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Contours Over Comfort? The Popularity Of Waist Training

Contours Over Comfort? The Popularity Of Waist Training

Contours Over Comfort? The Popularity Of Waist Training

The concept of beauty is many times seen in contours. The contours on a woman’s body many times come at a high cost to their comfort. The highly desired contours on a woman’s body can be achieved through exercise, waist training, or liposuction. None of these options are comfortable, but beauty is pain, right? 

Waist training 

Waist training is the use of a waist trainer to achieve a smaller, slimmer waist. Waist training is not a new process as it has been going on for centuries. 

Where it all began 

As early as the sixteenth century, women would wear corsets- a piece of garment designed to push the breasts up and make the waist appear much tinier- bestowing upon them the much-coveted hourglass figure. 

These items were usually vertically reinforced with hard materials made out of horn, wood or bone to keep the torso in a slim, cylindrical shape. In many cultures, the corset was a symbol of beauty, modesty and social status, and hundreds of years later, the hourglass figure was and is still widely considered the preferred body type. 

Corsets have undergone a series of modifications over the centuries in accordance with the needs of its target market. Present day corsets, popularly called “Waist trainers” are quite the favoured choice with women seeking to attain a trim figure. 

Getting the dream body

Surgery is a fairly popular method of achieving one’s “dream body” but the risks and the cost makes it far less approachable and less friendly than the simpler, cost-effective method that is waist training.

Even though the results are immediately obvious, the act of waist training requires regular use of the item, usually for months to achieve the desired results. The discomfort and pain accompanied with the use of waist trainers have not stopped them from being in high demand all over the world. Beauty is pain after all.

How to Waist Train correctly

There are several steps involved in correct waist training. The first and most important one is to get the correct waist trainer size. Although waist trainers are meant to hug the body tightly, getting one that is too small would cause unnecessary discomfort and actual pain.

There are different waist trainers for different body types. 

Your body type is another factor that should be put into consideration when waist training. It is important to find one that has enough curve for your body and suits your figure. Not enough curve would leave you in some serious discomfort and too much curve would be unflattering to look at.

Managing your expectations as you progress on your waist training journey is important. In the beginning, be sure to consider your comfort and avoid cinching too tightly until your body adjusts properly. Also, avoid wearing your waist trainer for long periods if you are just starting.

Health risks of waist training

Some health risks have been associated with the use of waist trainers. These include;

Organ damage

When stuffing your midsection into a waist trainer, organs in that area like the stomach, liver and kidney may be pushed into inappropriate positions and as a result, may not function properly. This could in the long term, lead to organ damage.

Breathing difficulties

This displacement of organs upward can also reduce the lung capacity, causing difficulty in breathing.

Bruising and allergic reactions

Tight synthetic materials can trap moisture and lead to a rash outbreak especially in individuals allergic to the material waist trainers are made from.

Despite the popular belief that using waist trainers causes weight loss, what it actually does is shape the body and induce a slim but temporary look. The best method for slimming down your waist remains regular exercise combined with a proper diet. 

Avoid junk food, include fruits and vegetables in your diet and manage your stress levels. Also try not to skip meals in an attempt to lose some weight. It will only encourage you to eat more than you usually would.

Avoid excessive alcohol consumption. Alcohol contributes largely to weight gain because of the many calories it contains. Drink plenty of water. Many people mistake thirst for hunger and end up eating when they do not need to.

Weight loss can be a tasking process so you may need a doctor’s help. If you need medical advice as your weight loss journey progresses, speak to a Doctor on Doctall.

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