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Understanding Fertility and Ovulation: All the Things that Help you Get Pregnant

Understanding Fertility and Ovulation: All the Things that Help you Get Pregnant

Understanding Fertility and Ovulation: All the Things that Help you Get Pregnant

How are babies formed? Well, only children will believe babies are formed because “daddy gave mummy love” or “mummy overate”. Babies are formed when a fertile man and a woman have sexual intercourse. Conception can also happen when sexual intercourse occurs 3-5 days before ovulation day or precisely on the day of ovulation. Fertility (the ability to conceive a baby) and ovulation are closely related.

What is the big deal about fertility and ovulation? How does the magic happen? And how do these two help women who want to get pregnant? Read through to find out. 

What is ovulation?

Ovulation is more than the pain it sometimes comes with. It occurs when the ovary lets out a mature egg with the help of a luteinizing hormone. The egg then goes to the fallopian tube, fertilized by sperm. If the released egg meets sperm in the fallopian tube, there is a chance that the egg will create an embryo, which will then develop into a baby.

Timing, ovulation, and pregnancy

You are born with around 1 to 2 million eggs but release around 300 to 400 via ovulation during your lifetime. It is usual for every woman releases one egg per month. The egg goes through one of the dual tubes that connect the ovaries and the uterus.  If the time is accurate, the sperm may fertilize the egg. When fertilization does not happen in 24 hours, the egg will disappear. 

Knowing your ovulation date can help you plan for sex and increase the chance of conceiving when trying for children.  

Learning your fertile days- the best time to have sex when trying for children

It is best to have sex 1-2 days before ovulation. To know this date, count backward 14 days from when you expect your next period to start. Do this if your menstruation occurs every 28-day cycle. Be sure to have sex every day, days 12 and 14, if you want a baby. You can also use ovulation calculators if your cycle lasts longer or is shorter than 28 days. 

You can also track ovulation with the help of your temperature. After the body releases an egg, progesterone kicks in to maintain the uterus lining. This slightly increases your body temperature. With the help of a thermometer, you can check your temperature in the mornings. This helps you know if you ovulated on that day. 

To wrap this up, it is normal for women to monitor ovulation windows using online applications, calendars, and ovulation calculators, and even monitor their temperature and the look of their vaginal discharge. This helps to know their most fertile period, informing them of the best time to have sexual intercourse during pregnancy. If you need help with fertility and pregnancy, speak with a doctor on Doctall.

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