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This For That: Change Up Your Shopping List And Go Healthy

This For That: Change Up Your Shopping List And Go Healthy

This For That: Change Up Your Shopping List And Go Healthy

Going grocery shopping soon? What is on your list? Your grocery list pretty much determines your diet and your health to a large extent. This is why you should put a lot of thought into making a healthy grocery list.

Living healthy encompasses a lot of discipline and thoughtful planning. It also involves switching out your regular unhealthy options for more health-friendly ones.

Reconsider some items that make a regular appearance on your grocery list. How many calories do they contain? How healthy are they?

Here are some items that have probably been on your list for years and the healthier options we suggest you replace them with.

Avocado for Butter or Jam 

Did you know that avocado is a great spread too? It is even healthier than regular butter or jam. Avocado contains lots of vitamins, fibre, heart-healthy fats and antioxidants. On the other hand, butter contains lots of calories and can lead to unhealthy weight gain.

Greek Yoghurt for ice cream

Everyone loves ice cream, especially kids, so it is possible that this change may not be very popular with your children. However, it is possible to keep them interested by spicing up the yoghurt with healthy and colourful toppings. Strawberries, bananas and grapes are great ideas for toppings for Greek yoghurt to make it look more appealing and add even more nutrients to your diet.

Eating ice cream regularly increases your risk of obesity and even heart disease. Many ice cream brands contain a lot of calories and added sugar and do not offer much nutrients. Greek yoghurt is a better option because it contains fewer calories and more nutrients that aid proper development.

Natural fruit juice or just fruit for processed fruit drinks and soda

Natural fruit juice is healthier because it contains natural sugars and vitamins. Processed drinks contain lots of added sugar and calories, which can increase your blood sugar levels.

Brown rice for White rice 

White rice seems to be the more popular option, but brown rice is healthier. White rice contains a lot of unbeneficial calories and is lacking in a lot of essential nutrients. Brown rice, like the Nigerian local ofada rice contains more fibre, nutrients, antioxidants and minerals and is more beneficial to your family’s health. 

Olive oil for Vegetable oil

Olive oil is obtained from olives, while vegetable oils are obtained from different plant sources like sunflower, safflower, soy, canola and even corn. Olive oil contains more vitamins, antioxidants and minerals than vegetable oil. This is mainly because vegetable oil goes through more intense processing to neutralize the flavours of the individual plant sources.

When your shopping list is filled with healthy options, you are more likely to maintain a healthy diet. To create a healthy grocery list, avoid processed foods as much as possible and stick with more natural options. Always make room for vegetables, fruits, water, and healthy protein options, especially if you have growing children.

Healthy living has many benefits for you and your family. It helps you look healthy, improves your mental health, reduces the risk of chronic illnesses and helps children grow properly.

Healthy living does not have to be something grand and difficult. Simple changes in your shopping list can improve your family’s health and may even help you save money. Next time you write a shopping list, go natural, abandon junk food and stay healthy!

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