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Under The Sheets: Most Common STIs and How To Treat Them

Under The Sheets: Most Common STIs and How To Treat Them

Under The Sheets: Most Common STIs and How To Treat Them

Adventures under the sheets are part of nature’s gifts to be explored, but this can quickly expose you to several infections if much attention is not given to your sexual health. 

Sexually Transmitted Infections (S.T.I.s) are usually spread through unprotected sexual contact with an infected individual. However, it is essential to say that there are S.T.I.s that can be spread through non-sexual contact or from a mother to her child during pregnancy or childbirth. 

Symptoms can sometimes manifest in various uncomfortable and painful ways. Depending on the kind of infection, it may take days, weeks, or even months for symptoms to appear. However, some infected persons do not experience apparent symptoms, while others may experience mild symptoms that might go unnoticed.  

Here are some of the most common S.T.I.s and the symptoms to watch out for:

Genital Herpes

Genital Herpes is caused by the Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV), and the symptoms may include 

Genital Herpes has no cure, but there are treatments to prevent or reduce the outbreak of sores and blisters. 


Trichomoniasis, commonly known as Trich, is one of the most common S.T.I.s. It is caused by a parasite called Trichomonas vaginalis. Symptoms may include 

Trichomoniasis can be treated easily with antibiotics. 


Gonorrhoea is an infection caused by the bacterium called Neisseira gonorrhoea. It affects areas like the urethra, eyes, throat, anus, vagina and the female reproductive tract. 

Symptoms include:

Gonorrhoea infections can be cured completely using antibiotics

Hepatitis B 

Hepatitis B is a liver infection caused by a virus called the Hepatitis B virus. The symptoms may vary, and they include 

Full recovery from Hepatitis B is possible with proper treatment.  


Syphilis is a common S.T.I. that is caused by bacteria. There are various stages in the development of this disease, and symptoms vary with each stage. 

The first stage is characterised by the appearance of a painless sore on the genitals, rectum, or mouth. This is followed by a rash, after which there are no symptoms. The final stage may occur years later and can cause nerve or brain damage or damage to organs like the heart or the eyes. Syphilis can be treated and cured with antibiotics. 


Chlamydia is an infection caused by bacteria. It is spread by unprotected oral, vaginal or anal sex. It can also be transmitted from an infected mother to her child during pregnancy or childbirth. Chlamydia may present symptoms like 

Chlamydia can easily be cured using antibiotics. 

Pelvic Inflammatory disease (P.I.D.) 

P.I.D. is an infection of the female reproductive organs resulting from a spread of sexually transmitted bacteria from the vagina to the uterus, fallopian tubes, or ovaries. Symptoms may include 

P.I.D. can be treated to rid the body of the infection causing the disease.  

Many S.T.I.s have similar symptoms making them almost impossible to identify or differentiate without a proper diagnosis by a doctor. If you have any of these symptoms, book an appointment to talk to a doctor.  

Prevention of S.T.I.s

The spread of S.T.I.s can be prevented by:

If you are showing any S.T.I. symptoms, please talk to your partner and a doctor on Doctall. Also, ensure to get tested; it is the only way to know if you have an S.T.D. and take your treatment seriously- untreated S.T.I.s can lead to complicated health problems.

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