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What to Do When You Have Toothaches and Bleeding Gums?

What to Do When You Have Toothaches and Bleeding Gums?

What to Do When You Have Toothaches and Bleeding Gums?

Toothaches are discomforting. The pain can get unbearable to point that you can no longer chew, crack a bone, or have a glass of cold water without feeling stinging pain. And then there is the issue of bleeding gums. You often realise that you have bleeding gum while brushing your teeth or biting into a slice of bread and notice little blood trails after each bite.

Most times, toothaches and bleeding gums indicate something is wrong with your dental health. On other occasions, toothache and bleeding gums might be signs of something other than a dental issue. Regardless, you must treat both to reduce discomfort and get enough sleep at night. 


You start to feel the pain when you want to have sweet, cold, hot, or sour food and when you touch your teeth. Sometimes, you only feel this pain when you lose a tooth or when it cracks. Regardless of the cause or sign, speak to a dentist and carry out some home treatment measures to soothe the pain.

In that vein, here is how to manage toothache at home: 

Have a salt and water mouth rinse

A saltwater mouth rinse can help ease the pain from toothache. Adding water to salt is a germ-killing solution that can heal mouth wounds, manage inflammation, and treat that stinging pain. The solution can also help remove debris and remove food particles stuck in your teeth. Mix a tablespoon of salt into a glass of lukewarm water and rinse your mouth with the mixture. 

Try out a cold compress

A cold compress constricts the blood vessels in the area you apply it. This works to soothe the pain. The cold sensation can also manage inflammation and reduce swelling. For cold compress relief, place a pack or bag of ice on the area for 15 to 20 minutes.

Rinse with hydrogen peroxide

Mixing equal portions of hydrogen peroxide and water can help soothe your pain. How so? It kills bacteria, relieves pain, and helps shed those layers on your teeth. 

Use painkillers

Toothaches can hurt to the extent that you cannot sleep. Go for over-the-counter painkillers to help soothe that pain. Ibuprofen and paracetamol are common options.

Make use of crushed garlic

Why garlic? It contains a compound called allicin, which has powerful antibacterial effects. Crush a clove of garlic and mix with salt. Apply this mixture to the teeth.

Bleeding gums

You may think it is nothing when you first notice that your gum is bleeding, but it could be more than that. It could mean that you have an injury or inflammation, which can be a sign of other conditions.

All you need do is speak with a doctor and follow these treatment measures: 

Improve your oral hygiene

One thing about bleeding gum is that you need to step up your oral habit and hygiene. Naturally, your gum might bleed when there is a significant quantity of plaque (bacteria that covers your gums and teeth)  in your gum line. Brush twice daily to clear up your gum line and prevent the bacteria from spreading.

Quit smoking

Smoking heightens not only your risk of having heart disease. It can lower your immune system’s ability responsible for fighting off the bacteria that cause plaque. After quitting, you will notice an improvement in your general oral health. 

Manage stress

Stress plays a massive role in your immune system. And this can weaken your ability to fight gum infections that cause bleeding.

Just as you should do for toothache, rinsing your mouth with hydrogen peroxide can control bleeding gum.

Conclusively, your oral health is vital to your well-being. Make sure you brush at least twice daily and follow the above home treatment measures if you have a toothache or bleeding gum. It is essential that you speak with a doctor on Doctall if your toothache and bleeding gum are persistent. 

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