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World Asthma Day: Lifestyle Tips To Manage Asthma

World Asthma Day: Lifestyle Tips To Manage Asthma

World Asthma Day: Lifestyle Tips To Manage Asthma

Breathing is seen as a primary activity, and we often pay no mind to it. However, some people have trouble doing it sometimes. Breathing difficulties can prevent air from quickly getting into a person’s lungs. Some of these difficulties are triggered by an underlying factor, like a cold, an anxiety attack and obesity. Sometimes it is a chronic condition like asthma.

Asthma is a condition that makes a person’s airways narrow up and swell, making it difficult for them to breathe.

In some people, asthma can be seen as only a minor inconvenience, but in others, it is a serious, potentially fatal illness. Asthma patients usually need to use small devices called inhalers to help them breathe properly. The inhalers help relax muscles in the airways to make breathing easier.


Identifying the exact cause of asthma is difficult, but some factors can play a role in developing the disease. These factors include genetics and viral infections.

Lifestyle tips for People Living with Asthma

People with asthma can still go on to live healthy, whole lives. Here are five lifestyle tips to help manage the condition and keep you as healthy as possible

Do not smoke

 If you have asthma and you are a habitual smoker, you should quit immediately. Smoking can make your symptoms a lot worse. Even if you do not smoke, you should do your best to avoid all kinds of smoke and fumes. This includes smoke from other sources like open fires and a stove. 

Eat your veggies 

Some research has shown that food rich in antioxidants can help improve asthma symptoms. Include tomatoes, spinach and strawberries into your diet. Fruits can also provide your body with beta-carotene and vitamin C, which can help reduce lung inflammation.

Stay active 

You may think it is unwise to do any exercise as an asthma patient, but it is recommended for you stay active. Exercising can help keep you healthy and help you lose excess weight that may be causing your symptoms to worsen. Speak to your doctor about a suitable routine for you.

Breathing exercises 

Think of it as practising breathing. Breathing exercises can help reduce your symptoms by increasing the capacity of your lungs. Consult your doctor for advice on breathing exercises you can engage in.

Pay adequate attention to yourself 

Different people have different triggers. What triggers another person may not apply to you, so you need to know yourself and your health. Learn about your allergies and your warning signs.

Living with asthma can be challenging, but there is no reason why you should not go ahead and live your best life. If you have regular appointments with the doctor about your condition, always make time to attend and keep your doctor informed at all times.

If you have breathing problems and need a doctor’s advice, you can speak with a doctor on Doctall.

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