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Five Warning Signs Of Alopecia You Should Know

Five Warning Signs Of Alopecia You Should Know

Five Warning Signs Of Alopecia You Should Know

It is not abnormal to lose a bit of hair. We lose about 50-100 hairs daily. However, when it begins to fall incessantly and in large quantities, you may be experiencing alopecia areata.

Alopecia is a relatively common autoimmune disorder that causes people affected to lose hair unpredictably. Sometimes it appears in small circular bald patches on the head or the temples. It can be extreme and cause total loss of hair on the scalp.

This health condition can affect anyone, regardless of age, gender, or race.

Here are warning signs of alopecia to watch out for

Excess hair on your comb or hairbrush

It is normal to lose some hair every day, but if you notice more hair than usual when you comb, brush and wash your hair, it might be a warning sign of alopecia.

Do not hesitate to speak with your doctor if this symptom persists; early detection allows you to stop or slow down hair loss.

Receding hairline or balding at the temples

Alopecia can show up in different forms depending on age and gender. As a woman, you notice you have to tie a band or scarf at the base of your head more often than when you wear your hair up, it might be a sign of alopecia.

Some males notice that they see more scalp on the frontal hairline. Male pattern baldness, which appears in the form of a horse on the base of the scalp, is the most common form of androgenetic alopecia.

Bald patches on the head

You notice a bald patch or patches beginning to grow slowly or appear within a day or two. You might also feel a burning sensation or itchiness around the bald patches.

Loss of hair on eyebrows, beards, and body

Sadly, alopecia or hair loss does not only affects hair on the head. This condition can cause you to lose the hair on your eyebrows, beards, eyebrows, eyelashes, nose hairs, or pubic hairs. Because it is an autoimmune disease that causes the immune system to attack the hair follicles, it can eventually cause total hair loss on the entire body (alopecia Universalis) or the head (alopecia Totalis).

White fingernails

Your fingernails can tell you if everything is not right with your body. If you notice small craters, pitting, or white patches on your nails, it could be a warning sign of alopecia, especially if it is accompanied by hair loss.

Consult your doctor if you notice any of these symptoms to ascertain the cause and treat the underlying health condition.

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