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Sexual Health Checks To Take If You Are Sexually Active

Sexual Health Checks To Take If You Are Sexually Active

Sexual Health Checks To Take If You Are Sexually Active

Are you sexually active? well good for you. It is relevant to keep an eye on your sexual health, and there are now sexual health checks you can have to ensure all is in order.

Being sexually active means you have eaten the forbidden fruit, and the next thing you should plan is when to see your doctor and get checked. Going to the doctor for sexual health exams may feel awkward, but it is still necessary.

What happens at a sexual health check?

When you go for a sexual health check, the doctor will ask you questions regarding your sexual life, physical changes, and mental state. Sexual health checks involve;

Tests for STIs, sexual dysfunction, and a pap smear (for women)

Now that you know what will be addressed during a health check prepare your thoughts and be open to discussions on everything related. How often you wish to go for a sexual exam is up to you, depending on your sexual and lifestyle activities. A sexual health examination is also advised;

Sexual health tests you can do

There are different sexual health tests you can run, but these tests differ accordingly. Sexual health tests a doctor can run for you are;

Venereal disease research laboratory (VDRL)

To determine if you have syphilis, the venereal disease research laboratory (VDRL) test is used. The VDRL test does not search for syphilis-causing bacteria. Instead, it looks for antibodies that your body produces in reaction to antigens created by bacteria-damaged cells. This test is done with the blood that will be drawn from your veins, the blood sample will be sent to the laboratory and tested for antibodies produced as a result of syphilis.

Retroviral screening test (RVS)

This test scans the blood for HIV antigens and antibodies. A virus component called an antigen sets up an immunological response. HIV antigens will appear in your blood if you’ve been exposed to it before HIV antibodies do. Within two to six weeks of infection, this test may typically detect HIV. The RVS test is done with a blood sample which is usually taken through the veins or saliva. The saliva is taken with a spatula-like tool by taking a swab from your mouth.

Hepatitis B/C test

The hepatitis virus panel is a set of blood tests that can be performed to determine whether a person has ever had hepatitis B or C. It is capable of simultaneously screening blood samples for many hepatitis virus types. Tests using antibodies and antigens can identify all known hepatitis viruses.

High vaginal swab (HVS)MCS

A high vaginal swab (HVS) is used to check vaginal discharge for the presence of trichomonas vaginalis, bacterial vaginosis, and vaginal thrush.

Semen MCS

To determine whether there are microorganisms in the semen, a semen culture test is performed. For this test to be conducted, the male patient has to provide a semen sample.

Getting a sexual health check should be a top priority if you are sexually active, do not wait until you have had unprotected sex. Rather go see a doctor now.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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