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5 Foods that Increase Libido

5 Foods that Increase Libido

5 Foods that Increase Libido

From keeping your day going to enriching the body with nutrients needed for a healthy life, there is a lot that food does for the body. However, do you know that there are foods that can increase your sex drive? Some foods can increase libido, boost your stamina and improve blood circulation. This is essential because inadequate blood flow to the sex organs can reduce arousal and sex drive.

Generally, foods that are low in sugar help prevent metabolic syndrome and hormonal conditions that affect the libido.

Here are 5 libido-boosting foods you can add to your diet.

Certain types of meats

High-protein meats including chicken, beef, and pork contain compounds like zinc, carnitine, and L-arginine that help to improve blood flow. In fact, have shown that arginine supplements can treat mild to moderate erectile dysfunction. Sexual enhancement foods like meats contain specific amino acids that could improve your sex life.

However, do well to serve your meat in moderation to reduce the risk of heart disease. studies have shown that arginine supplements can treat mild to moderate erectile dysfunction. These high-protein meats also contain specific amino acids that could improve your sex life. While boosting your sex drive, remember to serve your meat in moderation to reduce the risk of heart disease.


Apples are one of the most effective fruits that increase libido because they are rich in quercetin. This compound is an antioxidant or a kind of flavonoid that offers many health benefits. Apples can increase the libido by treating erectile dysfunction, promoting circulation, and managing the symptoms of prostatitis. In fact, quercetin can lower blood pressure at doses higher than 500 mg per day. High blood pressure can cause sexual dysfunction especially because blood vessel damage affects blood flow to the genitals.

Nuts and seeds

Tiger nut and cashews are packed with zinc which has a positive effect on maintaining an erection and arousal. Other nuts and seeds like walnuts, peanuts, and pumpkin seeds contain L-arginine that aids blood flow.

Avocados and watermelons

Avocados are packed with vitamin B6, heart-healthy fats, and folic acid. They are noteworthy sex enhancement foods because they act as fuel to the body and increase energy. Vitamin B6 aids hormone production in men, which is vital for a strong sex drive. Watermelons on the other hand contain citrulline. This compound converts into arginine when it gets into the body. They help relax blood vessels, which is similar to the basic effect of Viagra.


Bananas are rich in potassium, a nutrient that aids the contraction of the muscles during sex. Moreover, bananas also have a component called bromelain. It aids testosterone production which helps to increase libido.

In all, if you are looking to increase your libido in a natural manner, opt for foods that increase. In addition to the 5 sex boosting foods listed above, you can include red wine, berries, and spinach into your diet to increase your sex drive.

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