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Healthy Alternatives To Owambe Parties Amidst The Pandemic

Healthy Alternatives To Owambe Parties Amidst The Pandemic

Healthy Alternatives To Owambe Parties Amidst The Pandemic

Someone once said, “ain’t no party like a Lagos party.” No disrespect to other states, but it is a well-known fact that Lagos parties, popularly known as Owambes, are a hit. From the delicious small chops to the party Jollof, and the loud blaring music that gets you dancing, these parties come with so much fun.

These days, it looks like we can only talk about Owambes in the past as the COVID-19 pandemic got us locked up in our houses trying to stay alive. During the early stages of the pandemic, government guidelines placed a ban on large gatherings, Owambe parties inclusive. In recent times, even with a vaccine, the fear of contracting COVID-19 still has people opting out of these parties, which were once favourites.

Here are some healthy alternatives to Owambe parties amidst the pandemic;

Virtual parties

Video conferencing platforms like Zoom and Google Hangout have created a model not just for meetings and corporate events but also for parties. You can turn up for a virtual Owambe party, complete with laid eyebrows and layered gele, all from the comfort of your home. A virtual Owambe party usually involves the host sending out links and passwords for the scheduled time. The host provides music and can go the extra mile to send food and drinks to guests. So hey, turn up for a virtual Owambe party and feel the vibe.

Drive-by parties

When we hear necessity is the mother invention, you know that drive-by parties fit that narrative. To maintain social distancing during the Coronavirus pandemic, drive-by parties allow people to gather for parties in their cars. The host provides food, drinks, and music. Attendees remain in their vehicles while they party. It is fun because you get to see your friends even though hugging and coming close is off-limits. Dress up and drive by to your next Owambe party.

Picnic hangout

Parks and gardens have more expansive spaces than event centres and halls. This means you can utilise the vast space in these places to host parties and still be sure people are safe from infection. Guests should have on face masks and still maintain social distancing. Food and snacks can be served with little or no contact. The point is to have fun, see each other, and remain safe.

Who says Owambe parties have to stop because of the pandemic? Pick a healthy alternative and have fun safely.

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