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Six Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Stomach Aches

Six Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Stomach Aches

Six Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Stomach Aches

One minute you’re cool as a cucumber; the next, you’re twisting in pain on your bed; a nasty stomach ache has set in.

Many reasons can cause stomach aches; they are so common that just about every person will experience them at some point.

Most of the time, stomach aches resolve themselves, so there is no cause for alarm. Here are some ways to relieve stomach aches with things you can find in your kitchen.


Since the times, ginger has been touted as a cure-all for many health conditions, and with good reason, you can rarely go wrong with this spice. Several studies have shown that ginger can relieve nausea and stomach aches. You can brew your ginger drink by grating fresh ginger into a cup of warm water and adding a little honey as a sweetener. You can also try the beverage type in tea bags.


Sometimes, stomach aches can lead to other pains like chest pain, heartburn, or irritation of the oesophagus caused by undigested food. If this happens, chugging down a glass of milk might do the trick, as milk neutralises the acid produced by the stomach.

Chamomile Tea

Chamomile tea contains anti-inflammatory properties that can help relieve the pain or cramping in the stomach walls.

Mint Leaves

Mint leaves are yet another helpful spice for stomach aches as the menthol chases nausea away, and they’re a natural pain reliever.

You can brew a cup of mint drink with crushed leaves and hot water or chew other leaves directly. This should relieve the pain and nausea, if any.

Apple cider drink

Apple cider is yet another age-long remedy for indigestion, constipation, and stomach aches. If the smell doesn’t throw you off, mix a spoonful in a glass of water and drink. You can add a spoonful of honey if the taste is too sharp.

Heating Pad

Placing a heating pad on your abdomen might relieve pain from cramps as the heat will help relax tensed muscles and reduce nausea. The soothing heat will also take your mind off the pain. However, do not overuse it so as not to cause skin damage.

When to see a doctor

You want to give stomach aches time to pass as most of them are non-severe and will go away on their own. If you have given it time and tried one or more home remedies, but the pain persists for more than 48 hours, you should see a doctor. Stomach aches contribute to 5 per cent of critical cases, so you want to quickly rule out the possibility of danger to your health and find a medical solution.

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