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5 Signs Of Infertility In Men

5 Signs Of Infertility In Men

5 Signs Of Infertility In Men

10 out of 100 men in Nigeria are living with infertility issues but have no idea because infertility symptoms in men can be vague and may go unnoticed for a period of time. Most men only get wind of their problems when they are trying to conceive with their partner.

When questions like “What causes infertility in men” are asked, the answer is not always clear because there are different signs of infertility in men and these signs/symptoms depend on what is causing infertility.

Male infertility can be caused by inadequate sperm production, defective sperm function, or obstructions that limit sperm delivery. Illnesses, injuries, chronic health problems, lifestyle choices, and other factors may also contribute to male infertility.

Signs of infertility in men

The major sign of infertility in men is the inability to conceive. However, here are 5 other signs of infertility men can experience;


One common sign of infertility in men is pain, swelling, or a lump in the testicles. These pains cause a lot of discomfort in the body and medication can be taken to relieve it. But it is advisable to see a doctor.

Sexual function problems

For example, reduced sexual desire, difficulty maintaining an erection, and difficulty with ejaculation are going to be major issues when a man is infertile.

Lack of facial or body hair

signs of hormonal imbalance like decreased facial and body hair is another symptom of infertility in men.

Inability to smell

Loss of smell is associated with infertility in men. However, there are other underlying causes that are linked to the loss of smell.

Recurrent respiratory infection

This type of infection affects the respiratory tract, which includes the sinuses, throat, airways, and lungs. The respiratory infection may become recurrent even after receiving initial treatment.

Once you start seeing these symptoms, it is crucial to get checked because the main causes of male infertility are sperm-related. A doctor will examine you and do a few tests on you. Now you know what causes infertility in men, observe yourself and find out if you have to speak to a doctor.

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