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Asthma In Children: Symptoms And How To Manage Episodes

Asthma In Children: Symptoms And How To Manage Episodes

Asthma In Children: Symptoms And How To Manage Episodes

Asthma is a common illness caused by the shrinking or narrowing of the small air passages in the lungs. The shrinking occurs when air passages become inflamed and swollen, causing the production of more mucus. Furthermore, the muscle bands surrounding the air passages become constrained, making it more difficult for air to get in and out of the lungs (particularly out), causing cough, breathing problems, and wheezing.

Even though wheezing is very common in toddlers and babies, not all children with wheezing will go on to develop this disorder. However, about one in five children will have asthma sometime in childhood. Giving the proper treatment for this condition will allow almost all children with asthma to partake in sport and other activities. The effects of asthma on every child is different and can be very unpredictable. Though, many children will grow out of this condition later in life.

Symptoms in children

What causes asthma in children is unknown, although it can run in families. Some children’s asthma is related to other illnesses like allergies, eczema, and hay fever. There are lots of things that can bring about episodes of this disorder in children. A respiratory infection influenced by a cold is the most common cause of the condition. Others are changes in the windy or weather conditions, exercise, dust mites in the house, pets, or pollen. In addition, as a parent, do not allow anyone to smoke around your child or in your home, as cigarette smoke (even on furniture or clothes) can trigger an asthma episode. Since asthma attacks are largely unpredictable, it is helpful to know what may cause your child’s asthma to avoid it. The common symptoms in children are;

1. Coughing

Coughing usually occurs in the morning or night hours, during exercise, and when the weather is cool. Asthma does not cause coughing alone. You should reach out to a doctor if your child is experiencing persistent coughing.

2. Difficulty in breathing

If your child is feeling tightness in the chest, is unable to complete whole sentences due to shortness of breath, is out of breath at rest, or has to work hard to breathe, these may indicate some symptoms of asthma.

3. Wheezing

Wheezing occurs when your child’s breathing sounds like whistles.

The symptoms listed above are for mild asthma since most occurrences are mild. The symptoms will usually go on for two to three days, after which it goes longer. In an intense event of asthma;

  1. Your child might experience struggling with breathing and may become exhausted, limp, or distressed.
  2. You may spot deep sucking movements at your child’s chest or throat when trying to breathe.

If your child is encountering problems with coughing, breathing, or wheezing, it is paramount that you speak with a doctor to discuss the cause and begin treatment. If your child already has asthma, you can also speak with a doctor about managing the condition and a plan to prevent episodes.

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