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Sexual Health And Aging: How To Reclaim Your Sex Life

Sexual Health And Aging: How To Reclaim Your Sex Life

Sexual Health And Aging: How To Reclaim Your Sex Life

Sexual health and the desire for sexual intimacy are essential at any age. Your body goes through changes that may get in the way of the rewarding sex life you enjoyed when you were younger because of ageing, which may be due to chronic pain, certain medical conditions, decreased hormone levels, side effects of certain medications, and history of specific surgical procedures.

However, every adult, whether young or old, regardless of sexual orientation or gender, should have the opportunity to enjoy a fulfilling and satisfying sex life. Sadly, you may not be comfortable reporting your sexual problems to a doctor. Never mind, it is very common for older women to lose interest in sex. But satisfying sexual intimacy is a rewarding aspect of healthy ageing.

Due to ageing, sex may not be the same as in your 20s or 30s, and interest in sex or sexual activities might decline to some extent. Nevertheless, it can still be very satisfying. Knowing how your sexual feelings and responses change and learning to enjoy your sex life despite these changes is part of healthy ageing. You should ensure that you know which aspects of sexual health are likely to change as you age and how you and your sexual partner can adjust. Learning how ageing may affect your sexual habits and the necessary steps to enjoy a satisfying and safe sex life as will help you have healthy ageing.

Reasons for Sexual Desire And Behaviour Change

The common causes of the decrease or ceasing of sexual activity in older men include;

The common causes of the decrease or ceasing of sexual activity in older women include;

Aside from what has been listed above, some disabilities and illnesses may compel you to try different sex positions that your partner may not like. This may discourage them from having sex because they may not enjoy it.

How to Maintain A Satisfying Sex Life

The following game plan may assist you in enjoying a fulfilling sex life as you age;

1. Explore Outercourse

Good sex life is more than just intercourse. Outercourse describes various erotic experiences that do not include penetrative sex. It is about connectedness and pleasure. It is also about touch and intimacy, which you can benefit from. Even if you have physical disabilities or illnesses, you can still engage in intimate acts and gain from physical closeness. Many people get tremendous satisfaction from kissing, caressing, reading erotica, petting, and sharing sexual fantasies. So take your time, loosen up, and enjoy the experience of sensual touching.

2. Improve Your Communication

It is important to share your fears, desires, and thoughts with your partner as your body and feelings change with age. It is not good to assume that you know what your partner likes in the bedroom because it is not always true. You should remember that communication is essential to a satisfying sex life. Be open with your partner, and be honest as well. Use humour to take pressure off.

3. Stay Sexually Fit

A man that has frequent penile stimulation will have an easier time getting and maintaining erections. In contrast, a woman that has regular clitoral and genital stimulation will have a better self-lubrication. Staying sexually fit might help you to give yourself pleasure or masturbate. After all, masturbation is a normal part of healthy sex life.

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