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Four Possible Causes Of Bad Breath

Four Possible Causes Of Bad Breath

Everyone’s mouth –at one time or the other –has smelled bad. It could be caused by eating onions, garlic, or other strong-smelling foods that leave their traces in your mouth after consumption.

While these smells go away, bad breath can sometimes be chronic or permanent, what is known medically as halitosis.

Bad breath can be a health condition, and just like every other health condition, knowing the root causes is key to getting rid of them.

If you have bad breath, any of the following may be the cause.

Poor dental hygiene

There’s no doubt that if you refuse to brush your teeth and floss properly every day, you will be heaping food particles in your mouth. And this will inevitably give you a bad breath. There are sticky bacteria on your teeth that act on these food remains, causing odour if the mouth isn’t cleaned regularly and properly. Good dental hygiene is a statement of consistent and proper mouth cleaning.

Tongues are also known to trap bacteria that produce odours. Poor brushing of the tongue is one major possible cause of bad breath.

Mouth infection

Bad breath may ensue when you have surgical wounds in your mouth, commonly sustained during oral surgery. An oral surgery could be anything such as removing your tooth as a result of gum infection, tooth decay, or sores in the mouth.

Digestive Issues

Bad breath has always been linked to malfunctioning of the digestive system, which leads to such discomforts as bowel disorders, constipation, and poor digestion.

These conditions could cause odours from recently consumed foods to find their way back up to the oesophagus and out the mouth, causing unpleasant breath.

Dry Mouth

One of the importance of saliva in the mouth is the removal of food particles. People often clean their mouths by spitting out.

Now when the production of saliva in the mouth reduces or stops, a condition known as xerostomia, a very chronic bad breath, is likely to follow.

You must have wondered why you have bad breath when you wake up. Your mouth is usually dry while you sleep and thus becomes stinky when you wake up.

Getting treated for a chronic condition of bad breath can be easy when you find medical experts skilled in handling such cases. You can start your process of proper healing by meeting our experts today.

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