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Am I Ready For Baby Number Two? Answering These Questions Will Help You Decide

Am I Ready For Baby Number Two? Answering These Questions Will Help You Decide

Am I Ready For Baby Number Two? Answering These Questions Will Help You Decide

The truth is, no one can answer the question for you, but you!

Now, before you answer the question, you should consider many things. Making this decision requires a lot of thinking, like figuring out if you can still afford childcare, planning when to stop using birth control, and determining how much time to take off work.

In fact, deciding to have baby number two can be so challenging that some say having a second child is even harder than deciding whether to have a first since you are not just talking about having a baby – this is about changing a family dynamic.

Also yes, almost everyone (from doctors and scientists to your family and friends and neighbours) has a point of view on ideal family size and baby timing. You should think about the pros and cons and make your final decision.

Some questions to ask before welcoming baby Number two are;

1. What should you consider when making the decision?

You should have it at the back of your mind that science doesn’t always dictate our choices. Therefore, you should consider the following;

a. Your financial situation

Though money is not everything, it actually does help when considering raising a family. Also, it would be best if you considered your work and career situation. You may find it more challenging to handle a part or full-time job when baby number two comes on. Ask yourself this: Can you afford to pay for the new baby’s childcare if you still have your job or quit your job if that seems the best?

b. Your lifestyle

Do you have a sound childcare system set up already? Is everybody finally sleeping through the night? Are you settled into a nice routine with your other child? Maybe you have gotten to the point where you and your partner have time for each other again. But are you willing to let go of those and return to the difficult days you had with your first child? You should think of these when having Baby Number Two. Don’t forget that a newborn will take over your life. Consider whether you have the time and energy a new baby will require.

2. When is the best time to have baby number two?

A lot of couples would rather wait several years to have another baby. By doing so, the other child might have gotten plenty of individual attention from you. Also, the baby would have been old enough to grasp how another child would change things. In contrast, other parents benefit from having a second child close together so they can be playmates. This might help so that you won’t keep raising small children for years and years.

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