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Steps To Manage A Child Living With Autism

Steps To Manage A Child Living With Autism

Steps To Manage A Child Living With Autism

Autism, also referred to as autism spectrum disorder (ASD), is a liberal term used to depict a group of neurodevelopmental conditions. This disorder is distinguished by variability in social and communication interaction.

Children with autism frequently demonstrate repetitive and restricted patterns or interests of behaviour. Autism is found in people around the world, irrespective of economic, ethnic, race, or cultural background.

Symptoms of autism usually become evident during early childhood, between the ages of 2 years. Nevertheless, early or later symptoms like marked delay in social or language development may appear.

Autistic symptoms are divided into two categories. They are repetitive or restricted patterns of activities or behaviour and problems with communication and social interaction.

A child must experience any of these two symptoms of autism to be diagnosed with autism. Some people have attributed autism to environmental factors due to the rise of the symptoms.

As a parent, you must arrange for early intervention if you notice that your child is suffering from any of the signs below, as they might be symptoms of autism;

A child with autism is way more sensitive than other children, so dealing with them can be challenging for the parents, but it is possible. To deal with a child with autism, these are the tips you can follow;

     1. Prepare for early intervention

After noticing the symptoms of autism in your child, which has been diagnosed, the next thing is to prepare for intervention, which should be early enough. As there is a critical period in a child’s development, probably from 0 to 3 years, you should look into various therapies for your child.

Though early intervention is urged, it is never too late to determine if the child is eligible for specific physical therapy (PT), speech therapy, behavioural or social therapy, and occupational therapy (OT). Speak to a doctor to know the best therapy to use.

     2. Engage the child in recreational activities

When it comes to fun times, an autistic child is not different from an average child. Allocate time for your child’s recreational activities (e.g., games) and regularly maintain his or her schedule. Let your child mingle with other children with autism since a happy disposition will help the child turn their drawbacks into opportunities.

     3. Discern the body language of the child

Children with autism will make specific signals to express their feelings. You need to understand and observe your child the kind of stimulus that makes them happy. Based on this observation, you should keep your child away from negative motives and bring in more positive vibes in them.

     4. Reward the child

Autistic children require lots of support from their parents or guardians to function healthily. Hence, you need to reward the child’s positive behaviours with items they are fond of. Show the child in the ways they prefer that you care for them.

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