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Tips To Help New Moms Deal With Postpartum Depression

Tips To Help New Moms Deal With Postpartum Depression

Tips To Help New Moms Deal With Postpartum Depression


One of the happiest moments in a woman’s life is meant to be when she brings her child into the world, but for many, the experience isn’t always so.

Most new mothers experience the baby blues, a hormonal change-induced period of anxiety, sobbing, and restlessness that passes within the first two weeks following childbirth. The baby blues, often known as postpartum blues, are a mild and transient kind of sadness that disappears once your hormones have stabilised.

However, other ladies may experience more than a minor case of the blues. Up to one in five new mothers experience postpartum depression, a more significant but highly treatable disorder, during their time with a newborn.

5 Ways New Moms Deal With Postpartum Depression.

1. Establish a strong emotional bond with your child

Learning to bond with your baby benefits both you and your child. Close contact with your infant releases oxytocin, the “love” or “cuddle hormone.” An increase in oxytocin makes you feel happier, more caring, and sensitive to your baby’s feelings, and it enables you to recognize nonverbal cues from your baby more readily.

2. Work out whenever you can

According to Australian researchers, exercise may help women suffering from depression. For instance, taking your child for a stroll in a stroller might be a simple way to get some exercise and fresh air. A statistically significant method of reducing depression was discovered to be walking in a study published in the journal Mental Health and Physical Activity.

Can’t find time for a lengthy workout? Try exercising for 10 minutes several times throughout the day.

3. Spend some time relaxing

Someone has likely advised you to “sleep when the baby sleeps.” This counsel might seem tiresome after a while, but it is supported by research. According to a 2009 study, women who slept the least exhibited the most depression symptoms.

This specifically applied to women who slept for less than four hours between midnight and six in the morning or took fewer than 60 minutes of naps throughout the day.

Your baby probably isn’t sleeping through the night in the beginning. You might discover that taking naps or going to bed earlier helps. Consider pumping a bottle if breastfeeding so your partner can handle one or two nocturnal feedings.

4. Attempt to share your postpartum struggles with people you trust

It is critical to find people and environments that let you express your emotions honestly. This makes this statement more relevant —” a problem shared is a problem halfway through.”

For instance, you can think about speaking with your partner, family, or friends. By explaining your situation to close ones, you may be ablpe to show them how you need their support.

5. Avoid being alone

The days could pass quickly, leaving you occasionally feeling alone. A Canadian Journal of Psychiatry study demonstrates that sharing your feelings with others can improve your mood. After routinely conversing with seasoned mothers who had previously suffered from PPD, researchers found that new mothers had reduced levels of depression.

These effects persisted for four and then eight weeks following birth.
The power of social interaction cannot be denied. Make every effort to get out and talk to mums and other adults for support.

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