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Appetite Loss During Pregnancy: Causes, Symptoms, and Advice

Appetite Loss During Pregnancy Causes, Symptoms, and Advice

Loss of appetite is the unwillingness to eat, and the feeling of repulsion at the sight of food is a common problem most pregnant women face. Your appetite can fluctuate greatly, especially as your body goes through the changes and stages of pregnancy. You may occasionally find food unappealing, or you can be hungry but can’t just bring yourself to eat.

There are many causes behind why you don’t feel the urge to eat. Here are some:

Nausea and vomiting

This happens especially during your first trimester or may even throughout your pregnancy. This leads to a reduced level of food intake.


Some medications are safe to take during pregnancy; however, they may cause loss of appetite.

Eating disorder

This can lead to changes in appetite, a phobia of weight gain, and decreased food intake. If you’re pregnant and have an eating disorder, speak to your doctor/therapist.

Mental health conditions

Discomfort, stress, anxiety, and depression during pregnancy are poor health conditions that can alter your eating habits, affecting your appetite.

Others are constipation, heartburn, sensitivity to smell, slowing down the digestive system as your baby increases in the lower abdomen region, etc.


It is never a good solution to skip meals, especially during pregnancy. Not eating enough deprives your body of all the nutrition and energy-inducing foods important for your health and your baby’s safety.

If you experience nausea and vomiting during pregnancy and instead of skipping your meals, avoid fatty or spicy foods, avoid drinking water while eating, and eat your food in smaller portions. However, you should also seek medical attention for severe nausea and vomiting.

You should also;


Loss of appetite during pregnancy is common. Foods that were previously your favourites are now avoided. This is due to the hormonal changes in your body during pregnancy. To increase your appetite, use the tips above.

If your appetite doesn’t go back to normal, contact your doctor. Always remember that your baby needs nutrients to develop properly, so eating right is essential during pregnancy. 

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