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When You Should Worry About Chest Pain

When You Should Worry About Chest Pain

When You Should Worry About Chest Pain

While it is true that not all chest pain should bother you, it is essential also to know that some chest pain could signal a heart attack. Chest pain becomes an issue of concern when it lasts longer than 5 minutes.

Also, it becomes an issue when the pain radiates through your arms, upper stomach, back, neck, and jaw. See your doctor for immediate medical attention if the pain lasts longer and affects all these areas.

Pain in the chest also becomes alarming when it refuses to go away after you have appropriately rested and taken several treatments. Don’t ignore or assume that the pain will disappear; see your healthcare provider. Knowing when to see the doctor is good, but identifying the causes helps you stay safer.

Causes Of Chest Pain

Chest pain can be caused by several factors, some of which include:

—Heart Attack

—coronary artery disease


—Gastroesophageal reflux disease


—Muscle spasms in your oesophagus






—Collapsed lungs, etc

How To Treat/Prevent Chest Pain

A thousand and one diseases can cause discomfort in the chest area, even covid 19. However, identifying your chest pain’s cause will help you administer immediate treatment. As the old saying goes, “prevention is better than cure”. Let’s look at how to prevent pain generally in this critical area of the body.

Proper management of health conditions:

Individuals battling high blood pressure, diabetes, and high cholesterol, must not joke with their health. They are advised to take their drugs regularly and prioritize healthy meals.

Maintain a healthy diet:

It is no longer news that we are a huge component of what we eat. Consume junk food in small quantities, if at all, or foods high in carbs. Prioritise foods that are rich in protein and vitamins.

Regular Exercise:

Exercise doesn’t just help you burn fats; it also helps your heart beat better. When your heart works at an excellent rate, it reduces the risk of experiencing this pain.

Reduce your intake of alcohol and tobacco products: Alcohol and tobacco do more harm than good. Too much alcohol and tobacco affect your lungs and heart; watch it.

Maintain a healthy weight:

Obesity comes with a lot of disadvantages, which put your internal organs at a disadvantage. Watch what you eat, and stay in shape.

Conclusively, if the pain in your chest lasts longer than five minutes, please call your doctor immediately, or ask your loved ones to carry you to the hospital. This is because that could be cardiac chest pain, which is usually life-threatening.

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