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Can Breastfeeding Impact Your Sex Life?

Can Breastfeeding Impact Your Sex Life/Doctall

Can Breastfeeding Impact Your Sex Life/Doctall

After delivery, some doctors recommend that you wait for a few weeks before engaging in sex again. This is because it provides time for your body to heal as your body is undergoing a lot of changes due to breastfeeding and other duties that come with taking care of your baby.

While breastfeeding your baby, your body tends to produce a low amount of estrogen which is a key hormone for sexual arousal and also, a natural vaginal lubricant and this can interfere with your drive for sex.

Does breastfeeding affect your sex life? The answer is yes. With the fall of your estrogen level, two hormones known as prolactin and oxytocin will increase. The combination of these two makes you feel great pleasure while breastfeeding. So, your need for sex or attention from your partner may decrease. 

If you think breastfeeding is affecting your sex life, you need to know that it is normal and shouldn’t create room for panic. The good news is that you can do both I.e breastfeeding your baby and having sex. It takes you to change things up a bit and adjust. 

Here, are a few ways breastfeeding can affect your sex life;

Painful sex

Estrogen being the key hormone for sex, getting turned on will take a longer time and this might cause your vagina to be too dry for easy penetration during sexual intercourse. As a result, can lead to painful sex as well as injuries around the vagina.


After delivery, lack of sleep is practically the normal state of every new mother. Even when your baby sleeps very well, you’ll still find yourself waking up every two to three hours to breastfeed. And that takes a lot of strength out of you. Lack of sleep can make you who is a new mom exhausted and irritated, and therefore feeling the feeling to engage in sex decreases.

Painful breasts

Pain from sore nipples, breast engorgement, plugged milk ducts, blebs, or mastitis while breastfeeding can make you reject intercourse as you might find it unappealing.

Body image

Almost all pregnant women contend with the physical changes that come with pregnancy. You will experience growth in your tummy and breasts, stretch marks, bigger or flatter feet, etc. While breastfeeding, your breast changes too. As a result of all this transformation, you may find yourself being self-conscious about your body image and less attracted to sex.

If you need time after delivery for your body to recover, that’s okay. However, ensure that you and your partner discuss your feelings and sexual concerns during this period. Speak to doctor if the situation persists.

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