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5 Best Vitamins For Glowing Skin

5 Best Vitamins For Glowing Skin

Your body needs the right vitamins to do its job of keeping your skin fresh and healthy.

Ensuring that your skin gets enough vitamins can keep your skin looking youthful and healthy. This could mean your skin is dark spots free, and there’s no redness, wrinkles, excessive dryness, and rough patches on your skin.

We’ve all heard “you need your vitamins” at least once in our life. But do we ever think about the reason behind it? Well, vitamins majorly shape our health, including the skin.

When you meet a medical professional and ask them what you need to do to keep your skin healthy, they’ll first say to limit your exposure to the sun’s harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays and always put on a protective sunscreen when you’re exposed to sunlight.

Come to think of it, the sun isn’t all bad. Daily sunlight for about 10 to 15 minutes helps give the skin vitamin D. One of the best vitamins for the skin is vitamin D, along with others such as vitamins E, C, and K.

There are different types of vitamins, with each having its benefits. While some help to keep your nerves healthy, some fight against infections and others regenerate your skin.

This piece reveals the best five vitamins for your skin, how it benefits your skin, and the food that contains each vitamin.

Vitamin D

A debate has been going on as to whether using a sunscreen every day or not can cause Vitamin D deficiency. But the thing is, your body produces Vitamin D when sun rays penetrate through your skin.

Notwithstanding, deficiency is not as severe as the harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays can cause to your skin. Ten minutes of exposure to the early morning sun is enough to get your daily dose of Vitamin D. Steer clear from the sun during its peak hours (10 am to 2 pm).

How does Vitamin D benefit your skin?

When Vitamin D is absorbed through your skin, cholesterol will convert to Vitamin D. This is then taken up by the liver and kidneys and transported throughout the body to create healthy cells, including skin cells. Vitamin D plays a crucial role in skin tone and may also help treat psoriasis.

Foods that contain Vitamin D

Vitamin D can also be gotten from certain foods and supplements. Some foods are eggs, fatty fish, dairy products, soy products, and cereals.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is an antioxidant that contributes to several functions to keep up with healthy skin.

How does Vitamin E benefit your skin?

Using a skin care product containing Vitamin E benefits your skin by reducing the risk of sun damage via UV rays absorption from the sun. It will give you glowing skin; conditioned and moisturised, and prevent it from feeling irritated.

The body also produces vitamin E naturally through an oil known as sebum. Sebum is vital to maintaining glowing skin. For better efficacy, it is recommended that you consume foods containing vitamin E.

Foods that contain Vitamin E

Though vitamin E is obtainable in many skin care products, the issue is that any effects could be insignificant upon sun exposure. Thus, getting sufficient vitamin E in your diet is more desirable. Some foods you can get vitamin E from are; vegetable oils, nuts and seeds, green vegetables, and certain cereals and juices.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C can be found in the epidermis (topmost layer of skin) and the dermis (inner layer of skin). It has antioxidant (cancer-fighting) properties. In addition, its role in collagen production helps to keep your skin healthy. This is why vitamin C is a significant ingredient in many anti-ageing skin care products.

How does Vitamin C benefit your skin?

Vitamin C commonly treats various skin problems, including acne, fine lines, hyperpigmentation, and dark spots.

In addition, it enhances collagen (a protein fibre that gives the skin strength and keeps it firm) production in the skin. As you age, the production of collagen cuts down naturally, and the years of exposure to the sun can also break down collagen in the skin.

But the topical application of vitamin C can increase collagen production, thereby reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. It also lightens pigmentation spots and reduces tan by altering the activity of the enzyme tyrosinase, which involves the production of melanin (skin pigment).

The consumption of vitamin C orally can help enhance your sunscreen’s efficacy by speeding up the body’s healing process as a result of reducing cell damage.

Foods that contain Vitamin C

Vitamin C deficiency is very rare due to the generality of dietary supplements, over-the-counter products, and foods we eat. However, if you find that you’re not getting enough, you can take foods like; broccoli, cauliflower, capsicum, and sprouts. Citrus fruits like oranges, lemon, and other vitamin C-rich fruits like papaya and strawberries also have substantial amounts of nutrients.

Vitamin K

Vitamin K plays the utmost role in treating a host of skin issues and conditions. The deficiency of Vitamin K has been known to be rare since it can be found in almost all varieties of food.

How does Vitamin K benefit your skin?

Vitamin K’s major benefits are fading of scars, stretch marks, spider veins, and dark spots. It also aids the body’s healing process, effectively treating bruises and wounds.

Foods that contain Vitamin K

You can increase your vitamin K intake by eating; green leafy vegetables (such as kale, spinach, romaine, and lettuce), fish, sprouts, eggs, broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is widely used in a number of skincare products due to its antioxidant properties. Your sunscreen, serums, and moisturisers may contain this magic ingredient.

How does Vitamin A benefit your skin?

Retinoids are a form of Vitamin A that is popularly used in oral and anti-acne medicines because they have anti-inflammatory properties that help to improve acne symptoms.

Foods that contain Vitamin A

Good sources of vitamin A include; cod liver oil, cereals, fortified skimmed milk, eggs, green vegetables, and orange fruits.

In conclusion, Vitamin supplements are easy to get these days; therefore speak with a doctor to start a regimen for your health. While vitamins are necessary for glowing skin, you might already be getting enough through your daily diet. But a blood test can help determine if you have any vitamin deficiencies.

You should only take vitamins under the direction of a medical specialist to prevent overdose.

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