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Health Benefits Of Moringa For Men & Side Effects

Health Benefits Of Moringa For Men & Side Effects

Health Benefits Of Moringa For Men & Side Effects

Moringa, also known as “the miracle tree”, is very nutritious and medicinal to men. Its leaves and seeds have notable benefits as they are rich in nutrients and can be consumed as a powder, pill, supplement, extract, or tea. You can also add it to smoothies and energy drinks. 

Moringa leaves, pods, and seeds are rich in antioxidants, amino acids, vitamins, and minerals.

Benefits of moringa to your body

Promotes prostate health

Prostate cancer i.e. enlargement of the prostate is a common disease in men. However, moringa leaves and seeds are rich in sulphur, which is considered anticancer and helps prevent prostate cancer.

Eases erectile dysfunction symptoms

No man wants to be seen as a weakling when it comes to sex. Erectile dysfunction is the inability of a man to get or keep an erection for or during sex. Moringa leaves contain a beneficial plant compound called polyphemus, which aids the flow of blood in your body and smoothens the muscles in your penis.

Enhances fertility

According to research, about 40% of men are the cause of infertility problems due to sperm production, commonly known as low sperm count.

Taking moringa leaves or seeds, which are antioxidants, interferes with your sperm production as a man and helps combat damage. It also helps your body to prevent the loss of sperm caused by excessive heat.

Controls blood sugar

A condition known as type 2 diabetes is more common in men than women. It occurs when your body doesn’t produce sufficient insulin (a hormone that lowers blood sugar levels after eating).

Moringa leaves and seeds help your body to produce more insulin which controls your blood sugar level.

Boosts brain health

The antioxidant qualities in moringa reduce neuron degeneration and improve brain function. When you take moringa leaves, it can protect against symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease and may even delay it from occurring.

Side effects of moringa 

Moringa leaves and seeds are very safe and have a very low risk of side effects. You should consult your doctor before taking this plant if you’re already on medications for your testosterone levels or to control your blood sugar levels. This is because consuming moringa alongside your drugs prevents the drugs from working effectively, and this further causes more damage to the body.

Moringa also has laxative properties; consuming it in large quantities can cause stomach upsets, gaseous distension, diarrhoea and heartburn.


It has been observed that moringa is one of the few plants that contains “all of the nine essential amino acids the body cannot produce”. Therefore, consuming moringa leaves or seeds help your body to prevent conditions such as diabetes, high cholesterol, arthritis, asthma and high blood pressure. It can also help your body to fight infections.

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