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Sex During Menstruation Increases Risk Of HIV, Other STDs – Gynaecologist

Sex During Menstruation Increases Risk Of HIV, Other STDs – Gynaecologist

Sex During Menstruation Increases Risk Of HIV, Other STDs – Gynaecologist

Did you know having sex during menstruation increases your chances of contracting an STD? Yes, it does.

Solomon Avidime, a professor of obstetrics and gynaecology at Ahmadu Bello University in Zaria, has warned against engaging in vaginal sex with a menstruating woman, citing the possibility of partners becoming infected with HIV and other STDs.

Prof. Avidime stated in an interview with Punch HealthWise that HIV infections could occur due to sexual intercourse during menstruation.

Aside from the risk of contracting STIs, the professor stated that vaginal sexual intercourse with a menstruating woman could increase the flow of menstrual blood because the veins of the uterus are congested and prone to rupture and thus easily damaged.

Prof. Avidime emphasized that sexual activity during the menstrual period exposes partners to the risk of various sexually transmitted infections.

“The risk of contracting sexually-transmitted diseases is high during sexual intercourse when the woman is menstruating. It is high in both women and men.”

“HIV infection can be a negative consequence of sexual intercourse during menses. The risk of contracting gonorrhoea and hepatitis is also high.”

“So, to prevent infection, it is better to avoid sexual intercourse during menstruation. It is not safe,” he stated.

When asked if a woman could ovulate or become pregnant during her menstrual flow, Prof Avidime stated that it is theoretically possible for a woman to become pregnant during her monthly period if she engages in sexual intercourse.

He claims this is especially common in women with 21 days or fewer cycles.

He did, however, claim that ovulation does not occur during menstruation.

According to American Pregnancy, menstruation, also known as a period, is the bleeding that occurs when the endometrium sheds 12 to 16 days after ovulation. According to this definition, a woman cannot ovulate during her period.

However, some women experience mid-cycle or ovulatory bleeding (bleeding that occurs around ovulation) and may mistake it for a period.

“This can occur in women who have very irregular cycles that occur once every three months or twice to three times in one month.”

“Mid-cycle bleeding can also occur in women with regular cycles.” They may have what appears to be a period, but this is most likely ovulatory bleeding. Ovulation can happen when you have mid-cycle or ovulatory bleeding.

“Keep in mind that you cannot technically ovulate while on a period because sperm can live in the body for three to five days after sex,” it said.

The bottom line is to abstain from sexual intercourse during menstruation.

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