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Why More Women Should Opt For Epidurals

Before the advent of modern medicine, midwives were summoned to attend to all births, and doctors were rarely present to help in childbirth.

Despite the effort of the midwives, childbirth was a huge risk for both mother and baby to the extent that women often made wills before going into labour.

In recent times, birthing methods have changed with the invention of innovative reproductive technologies such as heart monitors, ultrasounds, epidurals and other technologies to reduce mortality and make childbirth easier.

Let’s talk about epidurals

An epidural is a nerve block delivered through a small thin tube called a catheter inserted near the spine at the small of the back, which causes the lower back to go numb, especially during childbirth.

Epidurals are very common and the most effective pain relief for childbirth. Over 50% of women giving birth at hospitals request epidurals, which bring comfort from the pain.

Why you should for one

–It is typically safe and effective

—It may help to decrease postpartum depression

—May speed up the first phase of labour by allowing the expectant mother to relax

—Epidurals can be administered at any time during labour

—They are very safe for the mother and also bring no harm to the baby

—Epidural assures a painless delivery even though it doesn’t totally erase contractions, but labour pain is significantly decreased

—During the use of an epidural, a minimal amount of medication reaches the baby. You need not worry about the baby’s health being affected

—They decrease the risk of cardiac complications. Pain increases blood pressure and heart rate, which is harmful, especially for patients with weak hearts or pre-existing high blood pressure conditions.

Epidural is an effective and safe method of easing pain in labour. It must remain an option; however, women should be well-counselled about pain-relieving options before delivery.

Need to see a doctor? speak to one online HERE.

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