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Eat These Foods To Improve Your Vaginal Health

Eat These Foods To Improve Your Vaginal Health

Eat These Foods To Improve Your Vaginal Health

You may not know this, but some foods can improve your vagina’s health.

Some foods enhance specific body parts; you consume good fats for healthy hair, whole grains to fill you up and keep your system running smoothly, and lean protein when you need steady energy.

Believe it or not, your food can help keep your lady bits in good shape by alleviating vagina dryness, easing cramps, and fighting infections.

The vagina is pretty good at cleaning and safeguarding itself and doesn’t need much to keep it clean.

Nevertheless, eating the right foods can help your vaginal health when you’re not feeling so fresh. That food can also fight infections and minimise funky smells.

Although proper vagina care, like safe sex, regular gynaecological visits, and good hygiene, all make you feel good, eating some foods can promote your vaginal health.

Ladies, we’ve rounded up the best foods you could stock for the healthier vagina you deserve and desire.


The first thing to know about yoghurt is that it carries the “good” bacteria that will contribute to better immunity and keep the guts healthy. It helps your vagina by levelling out the pH balance and holding dryness, foul odour and itching away.

A study issued by the Archives of Family Medicine states that consuming 150 ml of yoghurt daily can prevent bacterial vaginosis and candidal vaginitis – two primary infections affecting the vagina.


Another friendly food for vagina health is omega-3. A good source of omega-3 is fish. Some fish that have enough omega-3 are herring, sardines, salmon, mackerel, and trout.

We know you’re familiar with fish, but you may not know that eating fish or omega-3-rich foods can help to prevent endometriosis. The effect of eating fish to prevent endometriosis is stated by Human Reproduction, a journal of Oxford Academic.


Love or hate it, you need broccoli to reinstall your vagina health. The reason behind that is that broccoli is loaded with antioxidants like flavonoids, required by your body in sufficient amounts.

The Internal Journal of Cancer published an article stating the substantial chances one can take to avoid ovarian cancer. This can be done by including broccoli in one’s diet. Wow, unbelievable! We can see you eating a big bowl of broccoli right now.

Egg yolk

One of the reliable sources of vitamin D is egg yolk. People who suffer from poor vagina health have been observed to lack vitamin D in their bodies. The implication is that they are more susceptible to infections, eventually leading to an unhealthy vagina.

The Indian Journal of Medical Research expresses that eating eggs is mandatory if you want to subdue vaginal infections.


Even when you take deliberate steps to support your vagina, issues might still occur. If vagina symptoms like burning, discharge, itching, incontinence, increased urge to urinate, or unexplained bleeding are occurring, speak to a doctor to evaluate your health status. Book an appointment to schedule an appointment with a healthcare specialist.

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