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How To Reduce Harmful Pollution From a Cooking With a Gas Stove

How To Reduce Harmful Pollution From a Cooking With a Gas Stove

How To Reduce Harmful Pollution From a Cooking With a Gas Stove

Most people only care about the air quality outdoors and pay very little attention to the air quality in their houses. Your house can be polluted even if it is sparkling clean on the surface. Cooking with gas stoves can contaminate the quality of air inside and outside your home, which can harm your health. This is because gas stoves emit gasses that can trigger asthma, cause coughing, and make your body system prone to respiratory infections.

How can the use of gas stoves pollute your home?

According to research, gas stoves emit gasses when used while cooking. These gasses are known as nitrogen dioxide and PM 2.5. Both produce tiny airborne particles, lung irritants linked to childhood asthma. They pose serious health risks when inhaled.

Gas stoves leak methane gas even when they have been turned off. This, combined with nitrogen dioxide, increases the risk of asthma, cancer, or other illnesses.

If you use a gas stove, you can take steps to protect yourself and your household.

These steps can also help to improve indoor air quality when using gas stoves. They include;


Make sure your kitchen is well-ventilated when cooking either by ensuring that the windows are opened, or you can use an exhaust fan which helps to move the air in your kitchen outside.

Make use of air purifiers when and after cooking

This helps to improve the quality of air indoors. They are easy to move around. However, you can put it near your kitchen or move it to the bedroom when you sleep. Make sure you always replace the filters when they become dirty.

Doing the necessary replacement

You can replace a gas stove with electric cooking appliances in your home, such as an electric kettle, pressure cooker, rice cooker, toaster oven, microwave, etc. Electric devices don’t rely on methane gas. Instead, they make use of clean, renewable energy sources which are considered to be healthy for you and your household.

Gas stoves are considered one of the most common sources of indoor air pollution. Take preventive measures when making use of them, or you can opt for electric appliances, which are safer.

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