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Signs Your Infant Is Feeling Unwell

Signs Your Infant Is Feeling Unwell

Signs Your Infant Is Feeling Unwell

One of the scariest things for mothers is when they find out their child is unwell. They begin to panic and become confused about what to do next. That is because there is no greater bond than that of a child and its mother.

Every mother knows their child best. However, it can get tricky to know when the child is sick, mainly when they are not grown enough to express their feelings. Mothers gather around because we will tell you how to figure out your baby is sick.

How to tell if a baby is sick

It is typical for infants to contract infections and diseases, which can be treated with a visit to the doctor, medication, and some tender loving care. 

However, as a mother, if you have no clue as to how your baby will behave when ill, here are five signs you can use to tell that your infant is feeling unwell;

Change in temperature

 If your baby’s temperature unusually increases overnight, it might indicate that your baby is sick and needs urgent treatment. This unusual change in temperature can make the baby come up with a fever.


A baby feeling pain is one of the first signs that can show up when feeling unwell. The pain can be around the throat, abdomen, or when passing urine. Make sure you see a doctor once you notice your baby is in pain.

Unusually quiet or inactive

Babies are naturally playful and all over the place, but if suddenly your baby goes quiet and doesn’t become active like before, it is obvious the baby might have come up with some sort of illness.

Cries often

 We know babies cry. Most people would say all they know how to do is cry and eat. However, when they cry, there is always a way to make them stop. But if the case turns out that your baby is not easily comforted and continues to cry nonstop, then it is likely that your baby is feeling unwell and would need medical attention.


Vomiting is one infant illness symptom to look out for. Once a baby throws up almost all the time, it might be because of an illness. There are other reasons why a child will vomit. However, make sure you speak to a doctor about it and get your child the treatment needed.

Infant illness symptoms do not necessarily hide, but you might not understand if you are a new mom. Hence if you notice any unusual behaviour from your baby, don’t wait until you can tell what is wrong. Speak to a doctor and book an appointment.

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