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Smoked Salmon: Is It Safe To Eat During Pregnancy?

Smoked Salmon: Is It Safe To Eat During Pregnancy?

Smoked Salmon: Is It Safe To Eat During Pregnancy?

Pregnancy can come with many cravings, and the urge to eat smoked salmon might just be one of them. Well, you don’t need to worry about eating it. It is pretty much safe to eat during pregnancy.

Britain’s National Health Service (N.H.S.) has indicated that smoked salmon fish is okay to eat during pregnancy, though there should be a limit. If you’d like to eat the fish, you should not have more than two portions of the fish once a week.

Not having more than two portions of the fish is mandatory because salmon, which is very oily, can contain pollutants. Eating too many of these pollutants can cause harm to your baby.

Some pregnant women avoid eating this fish due to its composition of mercury (a chemical element that’s poisonous to the body) and other contaminants found in some fish species (e.g., trout, mackerel, and herring).

Still, fish is a healthy source of vitamins, minerals, lean protein, healthy fats etc., so eating smoked salmon shouldn’t be an issue.

Yet again, salmon is considered to have little mercury, so you might still be wondering what’s the fuss about it not being safe to eat during pregnancy. Well, there’s a fuss around it because some varieties are undercooked.

We explain in this piece here whether eating the fish as a pregnant woman is good or not.

Smoked salmon

It can either be cold-smoked or hot-smoked salmon. The reason for this classification is dependent on the specific curing method;

     1. Cold-smoked salmon.

This type is dry-cured and smoked at 21–32℃, making it not fully cooked. Cold-smoked salmon results in the fish having a bright colour, soft texture, and strong fishy flavour. It can then be served in salads, with spreads, or on top of toast.

     2. Hot-smoked salmon

This type is brine-cured and smoked at 49℃ until its internal temperature reaches 57℃ or higher. Since it is fully cooked, it has firm, flaky flesh and a robust and smoky flavour. It is usually served with rice, salads, or as an entrée.

You may not know the one you’ll be given when you order it; eating it is risky. Due to the health risk of eating the cold-smoked fish, pregnant women shouldn’t eat it all. Both types must be entirely appropriately cooked.

Find Doctall online to book an appointment to speak with a doctor if you have any complications during your pregnancy.

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