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Why More Men Are Opting For Vasectomies As Birth Control Option

Why More Men Are Opting For Vasectomies As Birth Control Option

Why More Men Are Opting For Vasectomies As Birth Control Option

Vasectomy explains the birth control process that stops sperm from reaching the egg. This procedure is always attractive for men who no longer want to have children; it’s safe and effective. It can also be used as an alternative to other birth control or sterilisation for the male partner.

How is a vasectomy done?

A vasectomy is not something under the do-it-yourself scope; it must be carried out in a hospital or doctor’s office. Even though it’s a simple operation, it’s still surgery. 

With the conventional method, the doctor makes one or two minor cuts in the scrotum to access the vas deferens. A small section of the vas deferens is cut out and then removed by the urologist.

Vasectomy procedures are done in two ways:

Traditional and no-scalpel. Local anaesthesia is usually used during both of these procedures, but general anaesthesia may also be recommended in some circumstances.

This article will assist you in making a more educated choice if you are considering a vasectomy. 

Possible reasons why more men are considering vasectomies

1. Very successful in preventing pregnancy. 

A vasectomy is a very effective method of birth control to prevent unintended pregnancies—less than 1% of men who have vasectomy procedures will impregnate their female partner. 

Contraception tablets are 91% to 99% efficient at preventing conception, compared to condoms’ 84% success rate, but only if your partner takes them correctly daily.

2. Low-risk procedure during vasectomy 

The vasectomy operation is straightforward, and there is little chance of bleeding or infection. Your doctor will remove the two tubes that deliver sperm from your testicles during a vasectomy and then sew them together.

3. Lightens the load on your partner.

You can lessen the strain on your female partner’s ability to use birth control by getting a vasectomy to avoid unauthorised pregnancies. This is crucial if your spouse cannot tolerate hormonal birth control. 

The spontaneity of sex between couples may also improve after a vasectomy. No longer is it necessary to ensure that you have a condom or that female birth control is being used correctly or effectively.

4. The efficacy of a vasectomy

Even though it is one of the most successful treatments to prevent pregnancy, there is always a slight possibility that it won’t work.

The vasectomy takes time to take effect, which is another crucial detail. Before engaging in intercourse without a barrier device, existing sperm must leave your system. It’s critical to follow up with your doctor since this could take up to 3 months.

As time goes by, the urologist will check the sperm counts.

Assume nothing about the procedure’s efficacy unless your doctor gives you concrete results.

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