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Everything You Need To Know About Baby’s Teeth

Everything You Need To Know About Baby's Teeth

Everything You Need To Know About Baby's Teeth

Seeing your baby’s first teeth appear is one of the exciting growth times of a child’s early years. You should know that your baby’s first teeth give them new ways to smile, eat and speak. Taking care of them early and knowing what lies ahead in your child’s oral development can help ensure they have a healthy and beautiful smile for life.

Most babies develop teeth between 6 and 12 months. Some babies may not have any teeth by their first birthday. However, research suggests that around three months of age, a baby will begin to explore the world with their mouth, have increased saliva, and start to put their hands into their mouth, which you may begin to suspect that your baby is teething. However, a first tooth usually appears when the baby is six months old.


Whether you believe it or not, tooth decay or any other problem related to the teeth can begin as soon as your baby’s teeth appear. Therefore, good oral hygiene habits that will benefit a lifetime are essential.

Here are some essential tips that will keep your baby’s teeth healthy and as well prevent the occurrence of harmful dental problems in the future:

Good dental health start with the baby’s first tooth

According to research, the enamel, the vital layer that protects adult teeth, is thinner in babies’ teeth. This makes them prone to cavities; hence, they should be taken care of immediately. Although the baby’s teeth are replaced after some years by the adult teeth, the baby’s teeth are a crucial part of your child’s development. This is because they aid your child’s ability to chew, speak, and also hold space for the adult teeth as your child grows. Visit the dentist after your baby’s first tooth has erupted, and if no teeth erupt by their first birthday, it’s a good sign to take them to the dentist.

Brush your baby’s teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste

Once your child has a tooth, ensure you brush them twice a day with a smear of fluoride toothpaste as tiny as a grain of rice, and gently brush their teeth (or tooth) and gums, especially after the last drink or food of the day. Also, remember not to put your baby to bed with a bottle if they are still drinking from it, as it can lead to tooth decay. Once your child turns three years, teach them to spit out the excess toothpaste. 

Conclusively, even if your baby’s teeth haven’t erupted yet, their mouth could still be clean-up every day. You can use a soft cloth to wipe their gums at least once a day beginning at birth; this is to get them used to the feeling and routine of teeth bushing. This process can also promote increased tongue movement, which can help with their feeding skills. The arrival of the baby’s primary teeth is a promising sign of development that will help with their future feeding and communication skills. To ensure healthier teeth growth for your babies, take them to a dentist.

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