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How To Apply Sunscreen Correctly

How To Apply Sunscreen Correctly

How To Apply Sunscreen Correctly

You expose your skin to the sun’s harmful ultraviolet (U.V.) rays when you go outside, even on cloudy days. Therefore, whether during vacation or you’re taking a hurried walk in your neighbourhood, it is good to use sunscreen.

Sunscreen is like toothpaste; if you use it incorrectly or insufficiently, it will not work. You’ll only leave yourself open to premature ageing (e.g. sagging, melanin deposits, and wrinkles caused by sun exposure) or even skin cancer. 

Sunscreen can prevent you from having skin cancer and premature ageing. But it can effectively work if you apply it correctly. Even though not all sunscreens are a hundred per cent effective at hindering U.V. rays, many sunburns are due to incorrect, infrequent, or faulty application.

Dermatologists have even confirmed that most people must follow the directions correctly on using sunscreen. By applying sunscreen correctly and often, you’ll not only help prevent skin blistering, but you’ll also help deflect sun damage which will lessen your dependence on anti-ageing or skin-repairing creams and moisturizers.

To avoid sunburn, even after using sunscreen, just because you misapplied it, here’s how to apply sunscreen correctly. 

Steps to apply sunscreen correctly

You’ve known how vital it is to use sunscreen every time you step outside; now, you need to learn how to apply it correctly. If you’ve ever wondered if you’re applying sunscreen correctly, here’s how to do it;

— Shake the sunscreen container well before use to mix particles that might be clustered in the container. New spray-on or stick types of sunscreens are preferable.

— Ensure you apply enough sunscreen. You can use a rule of thumb by using an ounce to cover your entire body. 

— Use on all parts of your skin (e.g. ears, back, shoulders, and the back of your knees and legs) exposed to the sun.

— Apply densely and thoroughly.

— Be cautious when applying sunscreen around your eyes. 

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