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PMS: Why You Have Mood Swings And Cravings Before And During Your Period

PMS: Why You Have Mood Swings And Cravings Before And During Your Period

PMS: Why You Have Mood Swings And Cravings Before And During Your Period

Ladies, do you notice that time of the month just before your period where one minute you’re happy, and the next your mood is in the pits, and you hate the world? Yeah, P.M.S. has struck again.

For some, monthly periods are trouble-free. But for others, P.M.S. is a total drag.

Premenstrual syndrome (P.M.S.) refers to changes in mood and emotions, physical health, and behaviour. These changes are noticeable between ovulation and the start of your period. Majorly, women of reproductive age experience P.M.S. symptoms before the onset of their menstrual period. P.M.S. has various symptoms, including mood swings, food cravings, tender breasts, fatigue, depression, and irritability.

Why do you have mood swings before and during your period?

Hormonal levels rise and fall during your menstrual cycle, which affects how you feel physically and emotionally. Fluctuations of a brain chemical called serotonin, a neurotransmitter (sometimes referred to as happiness chemical), play a crucial role in mood states. This is mainly due to an insufficient amount of serotonin. Serotonin helps regulate your appetite, mood, and ability to get a good night’s sleep. When the chemical levels are low, it can result in feelings of sadness, even if nothing is wrong. 

Is it normal to have cravings before or during your period?

Period cravings are real. Your body goes through physiological changes that cause you to crave certain kinds of food, so stop apologising for wanting chocolates and sugar candy just before your period. Changes in hormone progesterone and estrogen levels cause cravings for high-carb and sweet foods just before your period comes. Eating all the food you crave can help you fight all the feelings that accompany the premenstrual stage of your period.

There is a significant impact of P.M.S. on the lives of women. Some are severely affected as it sometimes interferes with their daily life. It is estimated that three of every four menstruating women experience some form of premenstrual syndrome. Your period is a natural part of your life, do not let your emotions be downplayed. See your doctor when it is becoming overbearing.

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