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What To Pack In Your Hospital Bag For Your Baby And You

What To Pack In Your Hospital Bag For Your Baby And You

What To Pack In Your Hospital Bag For Your Baby And You

One thing every expectant woman must know is that the timing of the birth can be unexpected. This explains why if they haven’t prepared everything they need for their labour, the recovery period, and all the time they’ll be in the hospital, the experience cannot be so pleasant.

As a pregnant woman, your hospital bag preparation should be ready by the 37th week of pregnancy. Failing to start preparation earlier may make you rush things with unease and forget something. If you want to prepare at all, you must start right. To start right, we’ve lined up the following: 

Here’s a list of everything you need to consider when packing your hospital bag.


First, it is essential to bring all the necessary documents to the hospital where your baby will be born. In the case of a public hospital, you will need to bring government-issued documents that will allow you to be treated. An example of such is a social security card. In the case of private hospitals, you may be asked to bring a document from your insurance company or a receipt. Your hospital bag must have the necessary documents.

Documentation requirements vary by hospital. It is, therefore, advisable to check with the hospital where you plan to give birth.

Birth Plan

The birth plan you have written can help you communicate your wishes and preferences. This is usually about your delivery period in the care of health care providers, such as doctors and nurses.


Clothes occupy a central place in your birth suitcase for you and your baby. It is advisable to bring a few blouses and lab coats or comfortable sleepwear. As for street clothes, you will probably wear the clothes you wore when entering the hospital. Mind you, they may not be in good condition by the time you leave the hospital, so consider putting your spare clothes in your hospital bag to leave the hospital.

Underwear is also essential. It would help if you carried several pairs of underwear large enough to be worn at the waist in your suitcase. If you plan to breastfeed, pack bras, blouses, or nightgowns that allow you to breastfeed comfortably.

Hygiene Products

During your stay in the hospital, it is likely that they will not have all the products you need for your care. This, therefore, makes it advisable to pack the following items in your suitcase:

Lastly, speak to the hospital you are planning to deliver your baby before your labour. They will help you with the preparation plan. Meanwhile, you can seek the assistance of experts in mother and child health. They will tell you more; click HERE.

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