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80% Of Nigerian Women Deliver Their Babies At Home

80% Of Nigerian Women Deliver Their Babies At Home

80% Of Nigerian Women Deliver Their Babies At Home

Home births in Nigeria have rapidly increased over time. Women in Nigeria are increasingly choosing home births because they are less expensive, owing to the fact that the cost of delivery in hospitals has skyrocketed due to inflation.

According to the Nigerian Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, approximately 80% of women in the country deliver their babies home.

Dr Habib Sadauki, President of SOGON, revealed this in an exclusive interview with PUNCH HealthWise, warning that home delivery is unsafe.

Dr Sadauki lamented that the country’s current economic situation had compounded the problem, particularly among poor and vulnerable women.

According to him, the current inflation has increased the cost of delivery in hospitals across the country.

The obstetrician and gynaecologist consultant explained,

“About 80 per cent of our women deliver at home, and some of them may even deliver with nobody around”.

“This practice is very dangerous for mothers, especially if they have bleeding complications”. 

“Bleeding doesn’t take time to kill. If the bleeding does not stop immediately and assistance does not come immediately, the person can die easily.”

The SOGON president urged pregnant women to give birth in health facilities with skilled birth providers who can manage complications during labour.

“We are discouraging mothers from delivering at home. They should, as much as possible, deliver under the supervision of a skilled provider in an appropriate facility.”  

“The home is not appropriate for delivery for now. You need a trained, skilled provider to supervise the labour to save the mother from complications,” he noted.

Dr Sadauki identified ignorance, poverty, and the state of some of the country’s hospitals as contributing factors to the practice.

“Yes, the hospital is there,” he said. But because there are no supplies, the patient must purchase everything. When you arrive at the hospital, there is no light or running water. The infrastructure is insufficient.

“Also, the attitude of health workers toward women during labour is still not favourable.” Some people still yell at patients during delivery, and the atmosphere is deplorable. As a result, they are less likely to visit the hospital.”

According to the maternal health specialist, if nothing drastic is done to address rising inflation, Nigeria will most likely miss its target of achieving the Sustainable Development Goal for Health and Well-being by the 2030 deadline.

According to the most recent United Nations Children’s Fund report, “Situation of Women and Children in Nigeria,” the country has 576 maternal mortality per 100,000 live births, and approximately 262,000 babies die at birth each year.

According to the report, infant mortality is currently at 69 per 1,000 live births, while under-five mortality is at 128 per 1,000 live births, with pneumonia, malaria, and diarrhoea accounting for more than 64% of deaths.

According to UNICEF, far too many mothers and newborns in Nigeria are not being cared for by a trained and equipped midwife or nurse, with disastrous consequences.

“If every mother receives good pregnancy care and every baby is born into a safe pair of hands, we can ensure that millions of babies survive their first day and live into this decade and beyond.”

“This means having well-equipped facilities with well-trained staff who can welcome every Nigerian child into this world safely and healthily,” according to UNICEF.

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