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For Men: How To Improve Your Sex Drive

For Men: How To Improve Your Sex Drive

For Men: How To Improve Your Sex Drive

Sex drive, also known as libido, is a term that entails having interest or enthusiasm in sexual activity, usually with a partner. It flows naturally, and the presence of it can signify the state of your physical and mental functioning. A healthy sex drive can positively affect your life and improve everything from your self-confidence to your relationships.

As a man, there are lots of factors that play a role in your sex drive. There’s the psychological part, where aspects like your level of attraction, mental health, and the quality of your relationship with your sexual partner all come together equitably. There is also the physical part, which comprises your age, your production of certain sex hormones (e.g., testosterone), and your general physical well-being.

Since varieties of factors affect your libido, it is normal for you to have a fluctuation of interest in sex from day to day. On a good few days, you might have a persistent or strong sexual desire that lasts all day. On other days, you might not want to do it at all. As occasional feelings influence sex drive, it’s probably nothing. But a continual recurring low libido can often signal an underlying effect in your health or relationship that needs attention.

How to improve your sex drive 

Everyone has a distinct level of interest in sex because a sex drive that is normal for one person might be weaker or more robust for another person. Therefore, there’s generally no such thing as a one-size-fits-all sex drive. Regardless of these disparities, there are several ways you can improve your sex drive, either by treating lifestyle factors (e.g., anxiety, lack of attraction, or stress) or by increasing your production of sex-related hormones (e.g., testosterone).

     1. Reduce stress and anxiety.

Stress and anxiety can significantly affect your physical well-being and your mental health by reducing your sexual desire and performance. High-stress levels can lower your sperm count and motility (the ability of the sperm to swim), while chronic stress can worsen your reproductive health, making it more difficult for you and your partner to conceive. In addition, anxiety can also negatively impact your sex drive.

It is common to experience sexual performance anxiety (anxiety related to sex). Still, it can affect your ability to get and maintain an erection and your general interest in sex. If you’re feeling anxious or stressed and want to improve your sex drive, you should try to change your lifestyle and habits by relaxing and reducing your exposure to stress. Follow the following techniques;

If you think you might have an anxiety disorder or you’re feeling stressed, book an appointment to speak to a doctor for help. Anxiety or stress is often treated with medication, and therapy can often treat severe anxiety and stress.

     2. Optimise your testosterone levels. 

As a man, the testosterone hormone plays a fundamental role in your sex drive and sexual performance, including your health and well-being. Low testosterone levels are linked with various health problems, such as mood changes, fatigue, and reduced physical strength and muscle mass. You may experience a weaker-than-normal sex drive and erectile dysfunction if you have too low testosterone levels.

If you’re worried about low testosterone because you’ve noticed a weak sex drive, you can check your testosterone levels using a simple blood test. Men’s average serum testosterone level ranges from 10 to 35 nmol/L.

Take steps to boost your body’s testosterone production if your levels are below the normal range. Increasing your testosterone production might help to strengthen your sex drive and improve your overall quality of life. Little changes like losing weight or improving your sleeping habits can significantly impact your testosterone production.

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