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Is Sour Cream Safe to Eat When You’re Pregnant?

Is Sour Cream Safe to Eat When You're Pregnant?

Is Sour Cream Safe to Eat When You're Pregnant?

While pregnancy is a beautiful experience, it is also a time when you and your baby are more susceptible to diseases. Knowing which foods to consume and avoid can be challenging for a first-time mom.

Sour creams are dairy products that have undergone the process of pasteurization i.e. heating the product under mild heat and then cooling it. One concern most pregnant women have is whether sour cream is safe.

Eating sour cream during pregnancy might give you much-needed calcium and proteins while complementing your diet.

If you want to know if it’s safe to consume sour cream during pregnancy, keep reading.

The above reasons clearly show that sour cream is safe. However, it would help if you consumed it in small quantities i.e. it should be eaten in moderation to avoid excessive fats and calories. Also, when checking for it at the mall or supermarket, you should look for the label’s list of ingredients, expiry date, and whether it is stored in a cool, dry place before purchasing. This is because your unborn baby is vulnerable to the toxic effects of chemicals, which can cause miscarriage or stillbirth.

Homemade sour cream should be avoided because the temperature of the cream may not be well regulated, the environment may not be sterile, and the pressure is not under control which puts you at risk of infection. Check here to see more safe and unsafe supplements during pregnancy. 

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