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Taking Care Of Your Skin During Pregnancy

Taking Care Of Your Skin During Pregnancy

Taking Care Of Your Skin During Pregnancy

Pregnancy can be a rough journey; more days than not, you’re just not feeling it. But it doesn’t have to make you lose all your shine if you can help it. As much as pregnancy causes changes that alter your natural frame, taking care of your skin should be at the top of your list. The changes a pregnant woman experiences are caused by increased female hormones known as oestrogen and progesterone.

Some women are privileged to enjoy a perfect complexion during pregnancy; others have to battle with pigmentation(darkening of your nipples, centre of your tummy, and genitalia skin), stretch marks, blood vessel changes( redness of your palm), acne, dry skin, skin rash, etc.

These changes are inevitable. Since they are unavoidable, how do you manage good skin despite the pregnancy changes?

Below is a guide that can help you take care of your skin during pregnancy:

Moisturise every morning

After your morning shower, it is good to moisturise your skin. It prevents it from being itchy and dry. Getting a good moisturiser with natural ingredients, like coconut oil, peptides, and cocoa butter is safe for you and your baby.

Stay Hydrated:

Your baby will be pulling the water they need from your body. So it would be best if you drank a lot of water. Interestingly, using good moisturising products improves hydration. So strike the balance of moisturising your body and drinking lots of water.

Prioritise safe pregnancy anti-oxidants:

Vitamin C, E, K, and B3 can protect your skin from damage. Make sure that your skin care products do not lack any of these.


During pregnancy, you must avoid the sun. However, please use sunblock if you have reasons to be in the sun. It will help prevent the pigment from getting darker. Using mineral-based sunscreens is also very safe. This is because it protects your skin by making the Ultra Violet rays bounce off the skin thoroughly.

Exfoliate weekly

Exfoliating will help you remove the dead cells that clog your pores. It also gives your moisturiser easy access to your pores and makes them more effective.


During pregnancy, women feel hot and sweaty. Ensure that you take regular baths and keep your body clean. This will help keep you fresh and neat.

As you already know, what you take in affects your skin. So, reduce your intake of fatty foods. Take more calcium and vitamins and avoid products that will be harmful to your skin.

Don’t abandon your skincare routine because of pregnancy if you can help it. Just ensure that your skin care products are safe for use. If not, try products with natural ingredients. Meet your doctor. Enjoy your pregnancy by maintaining your glow!

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