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Risk Factors and Prevention of Impetigo

Risk Factors and Prevention of Impetigo

Risk Factors and Prevention of Impetigo

Impetigo is a skin infection that is highly common and contagious. It usually comes with sores all over the body which can eventually burst after one week. It affects mainly infants and young children between the ages of 2 and 5.

Impetigo is researched to be caused by bacteria known as staphylococci organisms. You can become infected when you come in contact with someone infected or if you touch or share items with them.

Risk factors of impetigo that you should know


Impetigo occurs mainly in children. However, adults can be affected too.

Close contact

Impetigo can spread quickly from person to person that is in close contact. Examples can be within schools, families, and work environments.

Warm, humid weather

The bacteria are known to cause impetigo and thrive in warmth and humidity. During hot seasons, the risk of developing it increases.

Participation in sports

Participating in sports that put you in skin-to-skin contact with other athletes or sharing sporting equipment with others increases your risk of developing this skin infection.

Broken skin

A fractured skin, such as a small cut, insect bite, or rash, creates an entry for the bacteria that causes impetigo. The best way to protect yourself when you have an injury is to ensure the wound is adequately taken care of until they heal.

How to prevent impetigo

Keeping clean skin is one of the best ways to be healthy. Preventing impetigo is not only to stop it from infecting others. It will also prevent the infection from affecting other parts of your body. Below are ways to avoid it;

According to research, impetigo is a skin infection that can clear up without medications within two to three weeks. However, you can take drugs such as antibiotics to speed up healing and prevent it from infecting others.

Don’t share personal items

If you notice anyone with sores or blisters that look like impetigo, avoid physical contact with the person or the things they’ve touched.

Wear hand gloves when applying antibiotic ointment, and wash your hands thoroughly when you’re done. Also, do not touch your sores if you’re infected to avoid spreading to other parts of your body.

Keep children with impetigo at home until they have recovered

Disinfect surfaces. One of the ways to prevent the spread of impetigo is to disinfect commonly touched surfaces.

Use disinfectants to reduce the risk of infecting others if you work in a crowded setting like schools or daycares.

Impetigo is not a dangerous skin condition, except when not treated properly can cause other complications. Seek medical treatment immediately if you suspect an infection.

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