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5 Yoga Poses To Boost Your Energy

5 Yoga Poses To Boost Your Energy

5 Yoga Poses To Boost Your Energy

Everyone has one of those mornings waking up not energised and just wanting to spend all day in bed, but that isn’t always an option because bills won’t pay themselves. In situations like this, most people take a cup of coffee to feel energised for the day. Coffee may be good, but it isn’t a good option when looking to start a hectic and promising day.

Yoga is one effective and reliable way that has been proven over the years to boost energy and vitality. Apart from an energy boost, it refreshes the mind and strengthens the bones and muscles of the body. Yoga is therapeutic and sure to increase your focus on the day.

Below are five easy and beneficial yoga poses that you can do to boost your energy in the morning before starting your day.

1. Downward-facing dog 

This is first on the list because it is one of the foundational poses of yoga. This yoga pose stretches your hamstrings and shoulders with your head below your heart. This position causes your heart rate to increase, thus making you feel alert and energized slightly.

2.  Upward-facing dog

Just like the first yoga pose but in an opposite way. This type of yoga pose helps to strengthen the spine and boost energy. If you want to increase focus, this should be your go-to yoga pose.

3. Chair pose

As the name implies, the chair pose involves squatting. This way, your leg, your body’s largest muscle group, gets to fire up. While doing this pose, keep your arms above your head, as this will get your blood pumping, thus making you feel energised.

4. Twisted chair pose

One sure yoga poses to boost your energy and at the same time improve your spine health and digestion is the Twisted chair pose. For this pose, the legs are more engaged than the rest of the body.

5. Tree pose

If you want to feel uplifted and powerful, you should do this yoga pose. Tree pose involves two postures; balancing posture and standing posture. These postures are great for overall blood circulation and energy boost.


The feeling of being energised and focused on carrying out daily tasks is immeasurable. Engaging in two or more yoga poses will see you up and running every morning. These yoga poses are only for those without any health complications. Pregnant women and people suffering from stomach discomfort should not try these poses. It is proven that yoga poses help boost energy. However, you can still consult your healthcare providers on other healthy ways to boost your energy and vitality.

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