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Reasons Why Some Women Reach Orgasm During Childbirth

Reasons Why Some Women Reach Orgasm During Childbirth

Reasons Why Some Women Reach Orgasm During Childbirth

It’s not a myth – orgasm during childbirth is real and it happens to some women. It’s hard to believe but many women feel the same orgasmic sensation during labour that they would experience in any other situation. 

In fact, there are several potential reasons why some women reach orgasm while giving birth.

Hormonal surges

During pregnancy and childbirth, your body produces large amounts of oxytocin, which is known as the “love hormone” because it facilitates the connection between people who are experiencing intimacy or pleasure. This surge of oxytocin could trigger orgasmic sensations in some women during labour and delivery.

Orgasms can also be triggered by intense physical sensations like those that occur during childbirth. 

The contractions and intense pressure the body experiences during labour can cause orgasmic pleasure due to the release of endorphins, which are hormones that create feelings of euphoria and pleasure.


Childbirth is also associated with an emotional and spiritual connection between mother and baby. This connection can be incredibly powerful and could act as another trigger for orgasmic sensations during childbirth.

So, while it may seem strange or even unbelievable, orgasm during childbirth is actually quite common. It’s a natural process that many women experience as they bring new life into this world. 

No matter the reason for orgasm during childbirth, it’s ultimately a unique and special experience that many women are lucky to share with their baby upon delivery. It can be an incredibly empowering moment of joy and pleasure amid the intensity of labour and delivery.

So don’t be afraid to talk about orgasms during childbirth – it’s totally normal!  And if you happen to experience orgasmic sensations while giving birth, embrace them and enjoy the moment!  You’ve just done something amazing. 

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