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5 Warning Signs Of Ovarian Cysts And What To Do

5 Warning Signs Of Ovarian Cysts And What To Do

5 Warning Signs Of Ovarian Cysts And What To Do

There are so many things going on inside the human body, most of which we are never aware of until we get to speak to a doctor. Ovarian cysts are solid-filled sacs, that are formed within the ovaries. This specifically means that ovarian cysts only affect women.

Ovarian cysts forms during the ovulation period which is a time in your monthly cycle when the ovaries release an egg. Most people believe that it is not common, but however many women get to develop ovarian cysts at some point in their life. Ovarian cysts can occasionally cause discomfort and other symptoms, or they can go completely unnoticed. Cysts frequently develop and disappear on their own within a few weeks or one to three months. 

Ovarian cyst symptoms

Although most ovarian cysts can occur without showing any signs or symptoms, one can still be diagnosed during a pelvic examination. However ovarian cysts that have ruptured may show serious symptoms/signs. 

Maintaining a regular check-ups with your doctor is relevant to avoid further complications.

Here are five common ovarian cysts symptoms;

What causes ovarian cysts?

Ovarian cysts develop naturally if you have your periods monthly. However, most ovarian cysts occur as a result of functional cysts.

The menstrual cycle is associated with functional ovarian cysts. They are extremely common if you have not gone through menopause. Every month, the ovaries release an egg that travels down the fallopian tubes to be fertilized by sperm. Each egg develops inside the ovary in a structure called a follicle. When the egg is released, the follicle bursts, releasing fluid that protects the egg while it grows.

However, a follicle may not release an egg or may not discharge its fluid and shrink after the egg has been expelled. If this occurs, the follicle may expand and develop into a cyst.

What to do

Treatment for ovarian cysts is determined by your symptoms as well as the form of the cyst. Ovarian cysts usually disappear on their own without producing any long-term complications.

However, if you notice any ovarian cyst symptoms or you are having ovarian cyst pain, we advise you to always speak to a doctor.

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