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Common Symptoms And Early Signs Of Cervical Cancer You Shouldn’t Ignore

Common Symptoms And Early Signs Of Cervical Cancer You Shouldn't Ignore

Common Symptoms And Early Signs Of Cervical Cancer You Shouldn't Ignore

Cervical cancer is a serious and life-threatening condition that affects the cells of the cervix, which is located at the lower end of a woman’s uterus. Although cervical cancer can be detected early, if left untreated it can spread to other parts of the body, resulting in severe complications and even death.

It’s important to be aware of the symptoms and early signs of cervical cancer so you can recognize them quickly and seek treatment. Here are some common cervical cancer symptoms that you shouldn’t ignore:

– Abnormal Vaginal Discharge: One of the most common cervical cancer signs is vaginal discharge that has a foul smell, is watery in consistency, or is heavier than usual. This type of cervical cancer discharge may contain blood or have an unusual colour such as white or yellow.

– Painful Urination: Women with cervical cancer may experience pain during urination due to the presence of tumours in the cervix. Other urinary issues such as a frequent need to use the bathroom or difficulty passing urine should also be monitored.

– Pain During Intercourse: Pain during or after sexual intercourse can also be a cervical cancer symptom, and should not be ignored.

– Abnormal Bleeding: Unexplained bleeding between menstrual cycles, after intercourse or menopause is another warning sign of cervical cancer that you shouldn’t ignore.

Early detection is key to successful cervical cancer treatment, so it’s important to seek medical attention as soon as these symptoms are noticed in order to avoid serious complications. If you notice any of the signs mentioned above, don’t hesitate to speak with your doctor about them as soon as possible. They may recommend additional tests such as a Pap test or an HPV test to diagnose cervical cancer.

It’s also important to practice preventive measures such as regular cervical screenings even if you don’t have any symptoms, in order to catch cervical cancer early and reduce your risk of developing it. With timely diagnosis and treatment, cervical cancer can be managed successfully and many women with this condition go on to lead healthy lives.

Though cervical cancer is a serious medical condition, it doesn’t have to cause fear or anxiety. By being aware of the signs and symptoms of cervical cancer and taking preventive steps, you can stay ahead of the disease before it has a chance to take hold. It’s always better safe than sorry.

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