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5 Ways People Contract STIs Without Having Sex

5 ways people contract STIs without having sex

5 ways people contract STIs without having sex

Think you know everything there is to know about avoiding STIs? Well, think again! STIs aren’t only caught through unprotected sex, so you may have to be a little more vigilant …

The Infamous Barber Shop:

Gents, we all know the satisfaction of that fresh haircut that perfect lines up our head. But did you know the razors, clippers, or scissors used there could be carriers for STIs? Indeed, it’s possible to contract STIs, especially Hepatitis B and C, through contaminated tools if you’re unfortunate enough to get a nick or cut during your grooming session. So next time you’re in the barber’s chair, make sure you check that your barber is following the proper hygiene practices!

The Manicure or Pedicure from Hell: 

Yes fellas, it’s not just the ladies that enjoying the TLC our hands and feet get when we opt for a mani-pedi. However, just like the barber shop scenario, you can contract STIs if the salon you’re patronising hasn’t sterilised their tools properly. That unnoticed tiny cut on your finger or toe could be the gateway for an STI to enter your body. Are you rethinking that foot massage now?

Sharing The Needle: 

You might have thought your secret tattoo or that one-time experiment with drugs would stay hidden, but some STIs have other plans! Sharing needles is an easy way for STIs, especially HIV or Hepatitis, to jump from one person to another. If you’re getting inked, ensure the artist is using a fresh needle, and remember – sharing is not always caring, guys!

Saving Lives or Losing Yours? 

Blood transfusions are meant to save people, but if the donor’s blood isn’t adequately screened, there might be an unwanted baggage of STIs that sneak in. If you ever require a transfusion, make sure the blood is tested for STIs to keep things safe and healthy.

Love Bites: 

Now, this method of STI contraction might sound scarier than a Saturday night horror flick, but it’s rare. Syphilis or herpes can be spread through deep and passionate kissing if the other person has a sore or blister around the mouth. While it’s not very common, you should take better care when your lips lock!

So there you have it, guys! You need more than just a condom to stay safe. So, the next time you’re in any of these situations, be aware of the risks lurking around. 

Remember, that you don’t always know if you’re carrying an STI or always suffer any obvious symptoms. So get yourself regularly blood tested to check and give yourself that peace of mind.

Spread the word, share this vital knowledge with your fellow Nigerian menfolk, and let’s create a healthier community! 

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