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How going to the Gym can save you from Depression

How going to the Gym can save you from Depression

How going to the Gym can save you from Depression

Are you feeling overwhelmed and down in spirit lately? Do you often feel like there’s no hope for a better tomorrow and that life has run its course? If so, then it may be time to consider joining a gym or start working out regularly. Not only is exercising great for improving your physical health, but it can also help reduce symptoms of depression by providing tangible benefits both mentally and emotionally. Here’s why …

Improved Sleep

People who exercise regularly tend to get better quality sleep than those who don’t. Working out releases endorphins which help you relax and fall asleep faster. This improved sleep can lead to a better mood overall and help prevent depression.

Stress Relief

Working out is one of the best ways to relieve everyday stress that builds up in our bodies and minds. When we exercise, we let go of negative energy and replace it with more positive energy which in turn helps us keep our spirits high and avoid depressive episodes caused by stress.

More Self-Confidence

When we work out, our bodies change; we become stronger, fitter and healthier overall. This improves our self-confidence which goes a long way in keeping depression at bay because it gives us the belief that we can handle anything life throws at us with ease.

Social Interaction

Going to the gym can be very social since most gyms host classes or have areas for people to interact with each other while working out together, or just having fun chatting between sets of exercises. This social interaction is important as it lifts spirits up and helps you feel connected with others, both of which are great antidotes to depression!

Healthy Eating Habits

When going to the gym often we tend to eat more healthily since exercising requires fuel that’s good for our bodies so it doesn’t make sense to fill ourselves with unhealthy food after working hard during a session at the gym? This healthier diet can help keep our minds sharp since eating unhealthy foods has been linked directly with depression.

Feel Good Factor

Regularly going to the gym has been proven time and again to increase levels of serotonin (the feel-good hormone) in your body which helps improve your mood significantly, creating an upward spiral effect where you want to keep coming back to the gym because it makes you happy!

Overall, making an effort towards going to the gym at least three times a week during your free time can drastically reduce your chances of becoming depressed due its mental and physical benefits alike! So what are you waiting for? Join us on this journey through Nigerian life; let’s get fit together – it’s worth it!

Remember, if you are concerned about your low mood or depression, then don’t hesitate to speak to a doctor without delay. 

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