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Natural remedies: 5 drinks that keep your blood clean

Natural remedies: 5 drinks that keep your blood clean

Natural remedies: 5 drinks that keep your blood clean

Are you looking for something natural, healthy, and incredibly efficient in keeping your blood clean? Yes? Well, buckle up because we’re about to explore not one, not two, but five awesome drinks that will have your blood flowing like a champ. 

According to The Guardian newspaper, Nigerians on average can consume up to 23 teaspoons of sugar per day, some even consume more. It is important to understand that a reduction in sugar consumption is a necessity, not a punishment. Many people know the dangers of too much sugar but fail to apply it to their lives. Not knowing the healthier natural alternatives to these sugar-packed drinks is one big step to help you make a change for good. Helping you to get started on this journey of pristine blood, we’ve lined up: 

5 natural healthy alternative drinks that can help you maintain clean blood

Green Tea: 

Oh yes, the ever-popular green tea! What makes this magical brew one of our top choices for clean blood? Here’s why: Green tea is packed with antioxidants called catechins, which play a significant role in preventing blood clots and reducing inflammation. What’s the effect, you ask? Less inflammation equals better circulation and cleaner blood! Green tea is also known to help reduce cholesterol levels. How about that for a win-win situation? So, the next time you’re about to grab a soda, think again and choose green tea for cleaner blood!

Beetroot Juice: 

Colorful and vibrant, these beets have earned their spot on our list. Bet you didn’t know this fact: beets have a high concentration of dietary nitrate, which can help to replenish the body’s nitrite and nitric oxide levels. Breaking it down for you, means better blood flow, more oxygen delivery, and yes, you guessed it, cleaner blood! So next time you’re strolling through the market, make sure to grab a few beets and get juicing!

Pomegranate Juice:

It’s not just for those fancy cocktails anymore! Pomegranate juice contains a high level of antioxidants that are perfect for maintaining clean blood. In addition to that, it has a stunning ability to reduce oxidative stress in the bloodstream. So, break out that fancy wine glass, pour yourself some pomegranate juice, and toast to clean blood!

Apple Cider Vinegar: 

While definitely an acquired taste, this powerful elixir helps to alkalize the body and balance pH levels, thus aiding in blood purification. ACV is also known for helping to break down fat and cholesterol in the body, which ultimately means cleaner, smoother-flowing blood. Give this concoction a try and see the dirty blood float away!

Wheatgrass Juice: 

You might have seen this one in your local health food store or smoothie bar, but did you know about its blood-cleaning superpowers? Wheatgrass juice contains chlorophyll, a natural detoxifier that helps to cleanse your blood of impurities. In addition to that, it’s highly alkaline, thereby reducing acidity levels in the bloodstream.

And there you have it – five fantastic and natural drinks that will work wonders for your blood. Are you excited to try them out? We think you should be! Now, go forth and take charge of your health with these blood-cleansing beverages. Cheers, to clean blood and a healthier you!

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