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Resuming sex after birth: Here’s what to consider

Resuming sex after birth: Here's what to consider

Resuming sex after birth: Here's what to consider

It’s no secret that having a baby can drastically change the dynamics of your relationship, especially in the bedroom. Now that you have welcomed your little bundle of joy into the world and are ready to get back on track romantically, resuming sex after birth is an important but often overlooked consideration. So if this will be your first time getting intimate since giving birth, or simply need some ideas on where to start when it comes to reigniting physical intimacy with your partner, you’re in luck because we’ve got all the information Nigerian couples need right here!

With a few tips, you can get back to an enjoyable, healthy sex life even after the birth of your little one. 

1. Get enough rest: After having a baby, getting enough sleep is key to being able to resume sex. It’s important to take breaks when you need them so that you can properly recuperate and be in the right place mentally and physically to enjoy intimacy with your partner. 

2. Communicate openly: It’s important to talk about what each partner wants when it comes to resuming sex after birth. That way, any anxieties or worries can be discussed in a safe space so that both of you can feel comfortable with the process. 

3. Take it slow: Don’t rush things! After such an intense experience as childbirth, it’s natural that you want some time before resuming sexual activities in order to recover both physically and emotionally. 

4. Experiment: Once you are ready for physical contact again, experiment! There may have been certain positions or activities that were uncomfortable during pregnancy but are now more enjoyable; make sure not to limit yourself by only doing similar activities as before because there could be something new out there waiting for you two!  

5. Have fun: Remind yourself why you enjoy being intimate with your partner and allow yourself to relax and enjoy the moment without worrying about how well everything goes; remember that there’s no perfect way of doing things and try not to put too much pressure on yourselves or on each other!  

Ultimately, resuming sex after birth is all about taking your time, communicating openly with your partner, experimenting with new ideas, getting plenty of sleep and just having fun! With these five tips in mind, Nigerian couples should have no problem getting back into their old routine – or creating a new one entirely.

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