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Five Lifestyle Choices That Weaken Your Immune System

Five Lifestyle Choices That Weaken Your Immune System

Five Lifestyle Choices That Weaken Your Immune System

The immune system is the body’s best defence mechanism against infections. A robust immune system protects you from viral and bacterial infections which come with symptoms like flu, fever, and colds. When your immune system is weakened, your risk of getting these infections and falling sick increases.

Since the outbreak of Covid-19 in 2020, the immune system has been a trending topic across the globe with many sharing ways to boost them.

Read more on how to boost the immune system HERE.

Some lifestyle choices directly impact our health and immune system positively or negatively. Instead of waiting for the immune system to be weakened by them, we can stay ahead, identify these factors and make adjustments where necessary.

Here are five of them;

Not getting enough sleep

Getting enough rest means higher energy levels and more responsive brainpower. But did you know it also helps the immune system?

Sleeping seven hours every night is recommended to reduce stress levels and live healthily. Sleep deprivation can considerably weaken the immune system, leaving you vulnerable to attacks from bacteria and infections. If you fall ill, it will take the body even much longer to reproduce anti-bodies that can help you recover quickly.

Consuming too much sugar

Satisfying your sugary cravings once in a while in tiny amounts isn’t bad. However, when consuming junk food –which is high in sugar — becomes a part of your lifestyle, it is a cause for concern.

When you go overload your system with sugar, it suppresses the cells in your immune system that are meant to attack harmful bacteria, allowing viruses to spread more freely and rapidly.

Drinking too much alcohol

Drinking alcohol frequently can sabotage your immune system and expose you to dangerous infections. There are healthy and unhealthy bacteria in your gut.

While you can enjoy a glass or bottle minimally, drinking frequently can damage your gut microbiome, which houses billions of healthy bacteria needed to protect your immune system. It also causes the harmful bacteria to multiply, and without the immune system to fight them off, you can fall seriously ill.

Not Exercising

Asides from the many benefits of making you feel better about your body and boosting energy levels, exercise boost your immune system.

Infections can be burned out when temperatures are raised while you work out and can also deter harmful bacteria growth. 

Generally, hitting the gym is good for your body and health.


Stress reduces your body’s ability to fight off infection. It also releases adrenaline and cortisol hormones that reduce your levels of the following white blood cells: phagocytes and lymphocytes. Being deficient can make it difficult for the body to fight off viral and bacterial antigens.

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