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Tips On How To Prevent Kidney Stones

Tips On How To Prevent Kidney Stones

Tips On How To Prevent Kidney Stones

Kidney stones, also known as renal calculi, are hard mineral deposits that form inside the kidney. These stones cause severe pain when passing through the urinary tract. Kidney stones can affect any part of your urinary tract, from your bladder, kidneys, ureters, and urethra.

Although there are no permanent damages caused by kidney stones, any individual going through such might need just pain drugs to get through or get surgery depending on the situation.

Having kidney stones might not be life-threatening but that doesn’t mean there shouldn’t be preventive measures taken to avoid them. After a few pieces of research, we have put together ways kidney stones can be prevented. Here are a few tips on how to prevent kidney stones;

Stay hydrated

It is well known that drinking enough water is good for the body, well it seems like it is also essential to prevent the development of kidney stones. Because if you don’t drink enough water, your urine output will be low, and low urine output means your urine is more concentrated and less likely to dissolve urine salts that cause stones.

Eat less animal protein

Foods high in animal protein are acidic and this may increase urine acid. and high urine acid may cause both calcium oxalate and uric acid kidney stones.

Eat fewer oxalate-rich meals

most kidney stones are made of oxalate which is a natural compound found in foods that bind with calcium in the urine to form stones. Reducing your intake of such food will help prevent stones from forming.

Eat less sodium

consuming a maximum amount of salt can increase your risk of kidney stones. Too much salt in the urine prevents calcium from being reabsorbed from the urine to the blood. Eating less salt helps keep urine calcium levels lower, the lower the urine calcium the lower the risk of developing kidney stones.

Increase the intake of calcium foods

The most common type of kidney stone is the calcium oxalate stone, which makes people believe they should avoid eating calcium. But that’s not the case. Low-calcium diets may increase your kidney stone risk and your risk of osteoporosis. Calcium supplements, however, may increase your risk of stones. Hence taking calcium supplements with a meal may help reduce that risk.

Avoid vitamin c supplements

Taking vitamin C supplements can cause kidney stones, especially in men. According to a study conducted in 2013, men who took high doses of vitamin C supplements doubled their risk of forming a kidney stone. 

Consult your doctor if you are taking any kind of medication because certain medications might result in kidney stones.

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