HealthHealth Conditions

10 Home Remedies To Relieve UTI and Kidney Infection Symptoms

Kidney infections are serious medical conditions that need to be treated right away. These infections frequently begin as urinary tract infections (U.T.I.) or bladder infections, spread to one or both kidneys, and ultimately become chronic. While the majority of kidney infections are manageable and resolve rapidly, they can occasionally cause serious health issues, especially if you are left…
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Health Facts

Kidney Stones

Table of ContentsOverviewKey FactsTypes of Kidney StonesSymptomsDiagnosisCausesPreventionTypical TreatmentsConclusion Overview Kidney stones, nephrolithiasis, or renal calculi are hard salt and mineral deposits that precipitate from concentrated urine. They are sometimes fatal and can cause excruciating pains if ignored. So, it’s critical to treat them at an early…
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Health Facts

Acute Kidney Injury

Table of ContentsOverviewSymptoms DiagnosisCausesPreventionTypical TreatmentsConclusion Overview Acute kidney injury (AKI) is not, as the name suggests, when your kidneys are physically hit but rather, is the sudden stop of your kidneys functioning properly. It is also called acute kidney failure or acute renal failure. It is also different from chronic kidney failure, which is…
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HealthHealth ConditionsLifestyleNutrition

Seven Foods People With Kidney Disease Should Avoid

Kidneys are the bean-shaped organs in the human body that performs various essential functions. They filter your blood and remove waste from your body through urination. They also produce hormones, balance minerals, and strengthen fluid balance. Everyone is frequently advised to eat a healthy diet. But if your kidney health is so bad, eating a healthy diet means making the right choice about what…
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HealthHealth ConditionsLifestyleNutrition

Tips On How To Prevent Kidney Stones

Kidney stones, also known as renal calculi, are hard mineral deposits that form inside the kidney. These stones cause severe pain when passing through the urinary tract. Kidney stones can affect any part of your urinary tract, from your bladder, kidneys, ureters, and urethra. Although there are no permanent damages caused by kidney stones, any individual going through such might need just pain…
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DiabetesFitnessHealthHealth ConditionsLifestyleNutrition

Diabetic-specific Exercises and Diet for Proper Management

When you are diagnosed with diabetes, there is the fear that you must make a 360-degree change to every aspect of your life. But not to worry, making serious lifestyle changes can help you live better. Two areas of your life that can help manage the condition and keep you going are the food you eat and how much you engage in physical activities. Exercising and having healthy foods are…
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DiabetesFitnessHealth ConditionsLifestyleNutrition

How to Manage Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes

A thousand questions will come up after a diabetes diagnosis; “How do I get through this?” “Can I live well with diabetes?” “Is it possible to stay healthy with diabetes?” “Will I die?” As troubling as the diagnosis is, there is no need to panic. Like many medical conditions, managing type 1 and type 2 diabetes is possible. It is, however important to distinguish between both types…
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